In order to maintain peace in the family, change your views on family life. Much depends on your behavior in building relationships and maintaining peace.

Step 1
First of all, you need to change your views on your family life. Gradually change negative thoughts to positive ones. If you notice that you are beginning to think about the bad, now direct your thoughts in a positive direction. Your mood depends only on you.
Step 2
Do not think that your husband does not help you, does not understand, does not like that you are not interesting to him. Try to think the other way around. Look for something to praise your spouse for, remember all the good things that he does, and do not forget to thank him. And in sincere conversations with friends, talk only about good things. Be glad that your husband is working, helping with the housework and raising children. After all, many husbands do not work, they drink and terrorize their wives and children.
Step 3
You need to smile more often, it will cheer you up, and your husband, and children. Let the husband admire his beautiful, joyful and contented wife. The feeling that everything is just wonderful at home will give your loved ones peace of mind. Generously share your good mood with him, talk about the achievements of the children, take an interest in his work.
Step 4
It is necessary to kiss and hug your husband when he leaves and returns from work. Psychologists say that every person needs at least four hugs a day. Of course, at first it will look unusual, especially when the relationship has already deteriorated. But over time, it will just become the norm. And the husband will begin to treat you and the children in a completely different way.
Step 5
Allow your spouse to be independent, try not to control or test him. He is an adult and reasonable person. He does not need to be a second mother to him, because you are the wife, lover and mother of his children - in one bottle.
Step 6
You don't have to take on all the household chores. Learn to ask your husband for help. For example, go to the market because the bags are going to be very heavy. Hang laundry on a cold balcony or hang curtains, because he is taller and stronger than you, and it will be easier for him to do everything.