Going in search of true love, every girl dreams of meeting a prince - smart, strong, rich, kind, loyal. When her wish comes true, all that remains is to enjoy happiness and live with her beloved until a ripe old age. But sometimes the tale tends to end unexpectedly due to the flight of the handsome prince. Lev Vozhevatov, a well-known expert on relations, undertook to explain to women the nature of the behavior of men who leave them.

The main problem of relationships in which a successful reliable man leaves his woman, Vozhevatov calls the lack of development on her part. Moreover, this development is not some generalized concept, it consists of several important aspects.
The role of appearance
A woman must always take care of her appearance, using to the maximum what is bestowed on her by nature, and not giving up the opportunity to improve it. It's good if you manage to put the financial side of the issue on your chosen one, but even without him, she must find money to take care of herself. The sexual attraction of her man depends on the appearance of the partner, so you need to try to look the best for him. And it is better not to show yourself untidy, sick or tired at all, if there is such an opportunity.

A woman's appearance should be treated like work: do not skip, do not shirk, constantly study. Even if you don't get along with something at all, hone those skills to the level of mastery. We are talking about hair, manicure, make-up, fitness classes.
The main thing is to perceive yourself adequately, to learn to see your strengths and weaknesses. Self-complacency is a dead end path. You need to stand in front of the mirror, honestly name your shortcomings and understand if you can somehow change them. For example, change your wardrobe, lose weight, or even decide to undergo plastic surgery.
When a woman wants to look perfect for her beloved man, her personal growth takes place. And excuses about the lack of time and money are useless. Anything is possible if you set a goal for yourself. Of course, it is best to change with the material support of the chosen one. Otherwise - figure out how to solve your problem with minimal cost. In this love game, someone has to act. Either a woman will start working on herself, or her man will leave to look for another.
The importance of body language

An integral part of a woman's appearance is her body language. This includes gait, manner of speaking, gestures, sitting posture, and the ability to wear clothes. These elements create a unique aura of femininity. Just look at the recognized beauties from the world of cinema and appreciate how amazingly they speak body language. If a woman does not know how, she should engage in self-development in this direction, sign up for dances, model courses and something like that.
The ultimate goal of working on yourself should be a gentle, refined, defenseless girl. This image is the basis that almost everyone likes. By the way, it will not be superfluous to remember undesirable behavior patterns:
- assertive vamp woman;
- simple neighbor girl;
- lover of parties and glamor;
- iron lady with masculine manners.
Having chosen the correct vector of movement, and turning into a sophisticated lady, you can evaluate your progress by the behavior of a man. A good sign when he takes the darling to all events, introduces and shows to friends and colleagues. This means that she causes pride in the partner, the desire to show off to others about the possession of such a jewel. Men, like women, love to be envied. For them, a life partner is one of the criteria for success. And when it comes to, for example, a rich man, his chosen one should correspond to a beautiful car or a luxurious apartment, decorate these things, and not get lost against their background.
Woman's behavior in relationships
A successful man wants to see a happy and serene darling next to him. And her always dissatisfied appearance will quickly discourage him from returning home in the evening. In addition, a woman in a relationship is assigned an important role as a motivator for a beloved man. Who, if not her, will inspire him for exploits, admire, rejoice, support and energize him for new achievements.
There are enough conflicts and oppositions to the stronger sex at work, but at home you need tenderness, gentleness, humility, care, adoration. What will a wise woman do when she notices a man's agitated state? Of course, he will try to calm and extinguish the thirst for a quarrel in him, and will not engage in inflating the conflict, looking for a reason for resentment.
Another important aspect is to be on the same wavelength with a man, to support and unconditionally accept any of his opinions. Let him be wrong, it is better to let him make a mistake. But, as the situation is corrected, the man will again have a reason to feel strong and powerful.
Of course, it is not so easy to forget how to argue with the chosen one. But, in fact, a woman does not remain in a relationship without the right to vote. She can express her opinion, give convincing arguments. Calmly, without pressure or desire to insist on your own. And then wait for the final decision the man will make.
Summing up, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to sit on two chairs: remain a committed feminist and build a happy relationship. A woman needs to choose what she really wants. If personal happiness is a priority, then accept all the previously mentioned aspects as absolute truth and develop in these directions. After all, the word "married" just means that the partner comes to the fore, and the woman takes place behind the man.
The stronger sex, of course, has its own areas of responsibility in a relationship. For example, work and family financial well-being. Therefore, the measures taken by a woman will not be effective if the partner does not want to fulfill his part of the obligations. You should not cling to such a copy, it does not deserve it. It is better to look for someone who meets the criteria of a real man. And if a woman is already doing the right work on herself, the fateful meeting will not be long in coming.