The modern range of sleds for children is striking in its variety. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose one or another model. The appearance, colors or the presence of bright accessories do not always justify the main quality of the sled - reliability and safety for the child. Five easy-to-remember tips will help you make the right choice.

Examining the assortment of sledges, try to objectively evaluate each of the models you like. To do this, simply ask five questions.
QUESTION No. 1. Is the sled suitable for the child's age? The principle of buying "for growth" in this case is completely unacceptable. The child should feel comfortable in the new winter vehicle. In a sled that is too large, a small passenger can not only feel uncomfortable, but also get serious bruises.
QUESTION No. 2. Does the quality of the sled match its price? Most parents tend to pay attention to price first. Cheap sled models can be made from poor quality material or have flaws that harm the child. When choosing a sled, you should look for the most optimal combination of price and quality.
QUESTION №3. Will the child be able to control complex mechanisms on their own? In this case, we are talking about snow scooters, which are very popular among modern winter walks. Do not forget that the child will have to manage such a sleigh on his own, so before buying, try to objectively assess the age and skills of the child.
QUESTION No. 4. Which sled is better - light or heavy? The main criterion is the weight of the child himself. Preference should be given to such models with which the child, for example, can easily climb a snow slide.
QUESTION No. 5. Is the selected sled safe for the child? This question should be the main one for you. For young children, models with special seat belts should be selected. In addition, try to think over the possible options for the child to fall - some decorative elements can harm his health.