A child's admission to school is the reason for a change in the usual way of life. The changes are happening not only with the regime for. New faces appear around the child, he has to master new skills.

The first school year brings many new experiences to children, it is filled with different events. Therefore, it is so important to properly prepare children for school.
Make sure your child can already go to school. To do this, he must be checked for readiness for classes, the physiological and psychological state must correspond to the norm. The check is carried out approximately half a year before the start of classes. The assessment of the psychological state should be entrusted to psychologists, and a number of medical specialists will be engaged in the assessment of the physiological state.
Kindergarten activities help your child prepare for school. But it is better to additionally visit specialized centers, whose employees conduct educational courses for children entering school. Classes involve teaching several subjects. The courses are designed so that the child adapts as quickly as possible to school loads and is ready to meet the new world.
Do not limit your preparation to courses and kindergarten. Preparing your child at home is also very important. Read books and have your child retell stories.
Ask what new he learned during the day. All this allows not only to consolidate the material in memory, but also to teach the child to retell in his own words. This perfectly develops the baby's speech.
It is very important to communicate with the child, to answer his questions. Also, ask them yourself, let him answer. Ask your child's opinion about things, teach him to express his thoughts clearly and consistently. Talk about nature, interesting things, being with your child at home or walking with him in the park. Talk about life - from the stories of adults, children get an idea of how to behave correctly in certain situations.
Buy educational games. There are many DVD courses on sale today for child development. Learning takes place in a playful way, when watching courses. This is how kids learn about the world. Memorizing poems and tongue twisters, singing songs well develops the child's memory. Buy children's books, fairy tales, or stories. Reading is necessary for a child, it prepares him perfectly for school.
Develop fine motor skills in your hands. Let the kid sculpt from plasticine, make crafts, all kinds of applications. In addition to plasticine, you can use clay. Develops fine motor skills well in the assembly of jewelry.
Teach your child to a specific daily routine in advance. Set aside at least 8 hours of sleep, the child should not play until late. Prepare a hearty breakfast for the baby, good nutrition should be at least four times a day. Daily walks are useful, and regular sports are also necessary.
Pay attention to the correct development of the child's body. Buy a vitamin complex, let the baby regularly take minerals and vitamins.
Be sure to check your eyesight, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe glasses. This will allow the baby to feel comfortable while learning. Buy the necessary supplies for school, choose high-quality things made from natural fibers for your baby. You also need to purchase a comfortable backpack.