Bifidumbacterin For Newborns: Benefits And Uses

Bifidumbacterin For Newborns: Benefits And Uses
Bifidumbacterin For Newborns: Benefits And Uses

"Bifidumbanterin" is a drug containing bifidobacteria in its composition. This agent has a mild immunomodulatory and antidiarrheal effect on the human body.

Bifidumbacterin for newborns: benefits and uses
Bifidumbacterin for newborns: benefits and uses

This drug is very effective in normalizing the intestinal microflora, and therefore is often prescribed for newborn babies who suffer from a still fragile digestive system.

"Bifidumbacterin" is considered a fairly effective and safe drug, which is often used without any age restrictions. This drug is prescribed for dysbiosis or intestinal dysfunctions, any intestinal infections, diathesis and other various allergic diseases (as a supplement to the complex of essential medicines). Also, in the presence of flatulence, painful abdominal cramps, and other disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and malnutrition (underweight) in children with a weakened immune system, this remedy is highly recommended for use.

In addition, "Bifidumbacterin" is effective as a prophylactic drug for hormonal therapy, treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that can provoke the appearance of any disturbances in the digestive system. Also, this drug is indicated for babies who are artificially fed (especially with problems with the selection of the type of milk formula).

Often, "Bifidumbacterin" is prescribed to newborns who often and profusely regurgitate after eating, suffer from intestinal colic or bloating. This drug is approved for use in premature babies.

This type of drug is produced in various forms, but for newborns, the most recommended intake of "Bifidumbacterin", which is available in vials. In order to prepare the product for use, dilute the powder with boiled water, breast milk or milk mixture.

In the case of purchasing a vial of the drug containing 5 doses of the drug, 50 ml of liquid is required to prepare it for use. When this type of "Bifidumbacterin" is prescribed for the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis, half of the prepared medicine is enough for a newborn child for one dose. If the baby needs treatment for diathesis, any infection or abdominal pain, it is necessary to give him all the medicine obtained after diluting the powder. For children who are bottle-fed, the drug can be given directly from the bottle, and for babies trained exclusively to breastfeeding, it is better to give the drug from a teaspoon.

The temperature of the liquid for diluting the agent must be at room temperature, otherwise most of the bacteria will die and the drug will not have the desired effect.

If "Bifidumbacterin" is prescribed to a newborn child for prophylactic purposes, 2 doses of the medicine per day will be quite enough. For babies who need treatment for dysbiosis or any other disorders in the activity of the digestive system of the body, the number of doses of the drug is increased up to three times during the day. The duration of the course of treatment with "Bifidumbacterin" in such cases is usually from 7 to 10 days, but if urgently needed, it can be increased or, conversely, decreased.
