Some mothers note in themselves a particularly keen desire to eat sweets when feeding a baby. The reason for this phenomenon is completely understandable. When producing milk, the body expends a colossal amount of necessary energy. The same thing happens with stress, sleepless nights, etc. Sweet with HS can bring the level of carbohydrates back to normal with lightning speed. It is known that carbohydrates are responsible for the surge of vitality, improvement of psycho-emotional state and energy.

The principle of action of sweet with HV
Foods with a high carbohydrate content may well contribute to the production of the necessary hormone - serotanin. Serotanin is responsible for maintaining the body in a constant tone, eliminating insomnia, relieving pain, fatigue. Its deficiency can manifest itself in the form of a significant decline in mood, as well as a desire to eat mountains of sweets. And chocolate and fatty goodies actively help produce endorphin compounds.
Is it possible to eat sweets for a nursing mother
Mom during the period of breastfeeding the baby should have a varied and nutritious diet. The same goes for the adored confectionery. The consumption of sweets for lactating women is an "outlet". It helps her to calm her uncertainty, irritation, fill her free time. If the crumbs do not notice signs of an allergic reaction or a deterioration in the general condition, then it is quite possible to pamper yourself with delicious. However, there is no need to get carried away here, because everything should know the measure and establish it.
What sweets can a nursing mother have?
With HS, it is worth giving preference to dried fruits, crackers, marshmallows and oatmeal cookies. It is also possible to use jams and preserves, marshmallows. Sweet tea, which can be supplemented with condensed milk, is extremely useful for increasing milk flow. All such recommendations take place if the baby does not have an allergic reaction.
Why sweets are not allowed for a nursing mother
Confectionery, if consumed in large quantities, can oversaturate the body of mom and baby with carbohydrates. For a child, this is too excessive a load on almost all organs and systems.
Sweet for a nursing woman should always be fresh, low in calories and of high quality. This can help to avoid bloating, colic and allergies in the baby.