Seeing yourself in a dream nursing a healthy baby is a good sign that promises success in business and prosperity. However, when interpreting, it is necessary to take into account who had such a dream and in what surrounding atmosphere the action takes place.

In general, a dream about breastfeeding a baby does not bode well. Most often, this is a clue to the dreamer that he is under the protection of the Universe. But inaction will get you nowhere. You need to be ready for changes and for active actions, as a result of which you will be able to realize your most ambitious plans.
Dreaming breast as the mother archetype
The image of the mother's breast in a dream can be viewed as mother nature, promising protection, help, abundance, prosperity, a well-fed life, and in the narrower sense of motherhood. When a woman who has recently given birth has such a dream, then it hardly needs a deep interpretation. Everything is logical - a young mother is completely focused on what worries her from morning to evening. Perhaps she is worried about the lack of milk.
Seeing yourself in a dream nursing for a woman of any age is a common thing. For a young unmarried girl, such a dream portends a happy future with a young man, and for an elderly woman, it is a sign of family well-being.
Sleep-feeding can act as an opportunity to provide material assistance to someone close to you. In this case, the woman still acts as a caring mother. But this concern is not a burden. A dream in which a woman is able to feed someone indicates that she has enough strength and energy for this. And if milk itself is seen in a dream, then also means.
For a pregnant woman to see herself in a dream, nursing a baby - to an easy childbirth. Feeding several babies at the same time is a sign of happy motherhood. This means that children will only delight. For a woman suffering from some kind of ailment, a dream about breastfeeding promises a speedy recovery. To feed the dreamer himself is to adversity that can be overcome with the help of friends.
If a man sees such a dream, then this is a warning that he lives at the expense of a woman, and this situation needs to be changed. If a representative of the stronger sex in a dream saw himself breastfeeding, it means that he will soon take on the responsibilities of the head of the family.
When breastfeeding in a dream is an unkind sign
Naked female breasts also have a "downside", negative side. It can be shame, exposure, remorse, repentance, punishment (beating yourself in the chest), or unhappiness. A bad sign is a dream in which a woman sees herself feeding an adult man. This can portend both dishonor and the fact that a man wants to take possession of her property by fraudulent means.
Feeding someone else's child is a betrayal, and if feeding a child takes place in a crowded place, then exposure should be expected. Secret desires will become known to a wide circle. Such situations in a dream most often predict that meanness should be expected from familiar people who have repeatedly had to help.
When a woman in a dream puts a baby to her breast and suddenly discovers a lack of milk, this means that you need to "take off your rose-colored glasses" and stop idealizing the situation. Trying to find a woman in a dream who will feed the baby with her milk is an insult and humiliation.