It is impossible to force a person to do something against his will. But men are no less flirtatious than women, so in this case it is not about how to break the will of a loved one, but about how to push him to develop relationships. And to begin with, make them come to you.

Step 1
Understand the situation: do you really need this man that for his sake you are ready to go to a number of small tricks. Try to figure out if he needs you too. In no case do not write or call him for this purpose. If he writes or calls you, do not start to sort things out before he himself starts a conversation about them.
Step 2
To understand how a man treats you, remember how vividly he reacted to your words and actions when you were together. If he was silent and indifferent, then it is worth drawing conclusions that are very disappointing for your relationship, although here you can make allowances for shyness or complexes. But remember, in love, as in business, too much discount can be ruinous.
Step 3
If he got off with routine phrases, then this does not mean that he is indifferent to you. First, your relationship may have been going on for a long time, and they just need to diversify. Secondly, a man can be constantly busy with work, and all his thoughts revolve around a career or any obligations, even on vacation. Workaholism is curable, and its relapses are not directly related to love. Thirdly, even if in your presence he looked at the oncoming young ladies and did not notice what you are doing or saying at the moment, this only testifies to some inconstancy of male nature, and not at all about his indifference to you. In the end, maybe he was just comparing you to random passers-by, and the comparison was probably in your favor.
Step 4
If, on the basis of such an analysis, you have come to the conclusion that your relationship has a future, then proceed with direct measures that will make him come to you. Go to a hair and beauty salon. A new hairstyle and a fresh complexion of a friend will certainly delight your beloved man, and the transformation will undoubtedly benefit you.
Step 5
Stretch your imagination and come up with some weighty reason for him to come to you. The reason must be really significant, otherwise the man may refuse to visit you. In no case do not compose a new date of your birth, because later the truth will still be revealed. One of the most correct decisions will be an invitation to visit on the occasion of … the failure of the car. Despite the fact that auto repair shops are now on every corner, almost every man will not deny himself the pleasure of digging into the insides of an iron horse. When the man comes to you, tell him that you urgently had to tow her to the service, because, unfortunately, you forgot that the car has not yet expired the warranty period.
Step 6
Send the car to the service. First, so that deception is not accidentally revealed. Second, preventative maintenance will not hurt any machine. If you don't have a car, it doesn't matter. Imagine that you have it. A significant plus - you do not have to spend money on car maintenance to get a man to come. But this innocent deception will only work if you know how to drive. Subsequently, a non-existent car can be “sold”. Sometimes (depending on the profession or interests of the man), the car can be replaced with a computer, which can be given to neighbors for temporary storage, or, again, just imagine that you have it.
Step 7
Call him and invite him over. You can just invite a man to a romantic dinner without composing fairy tales about a car or a computer. If he happily agreed, then this means that you can surprise him, at the very least, with culinary talents. If such talents are not observed, you can order food in a restaurant. Do not beg him to come and do not show your displeasure if he refuses you. This means that he is not yet ready for a relationship or he really does not have free time.
Step 8
Prepare well for the man's arrival. Set the table. If a man leads a sober lifestyle, then there should be no alcohol on the table. If he is not an opponent of good wine in good company, alcohol may be present on the table, but in moderation (1-2 bottles) so that he does not think that you are drinking.