There are no children without hysterics. They occur most often in babies from one and a half to three to four years. If an uncontrollable emotional expression of protest occurs rarely in a child, this is not a problem. But if he falls into hysterics for the slightest reason, a consultation with a pediatric neurologist is needed. In any case, parents should first of all calm down the baby and find out the cause of the tantrum.

Step 1
When a child throws a tantrum, of course, it is incredibly difficult to stay cool. Be patient, though. Remember: your little one is actively trying to understand the unfamiliar world. He knows how to worry, experience, like adults, but he still cannot express his feelings, thoughts, desires in a civilized manner.
Step 2
Do not try to explain to a raging child that it is not good to behave this way - it is useless. The kid simply does not hear you. And an older child, if he hears, categorically rejects all your arguments, not wanting to go into their meaning.
Step 3
Do not scold a crying, stomping child. Don't punish him, don't hit him! After all, the aggressive reaction of adults to hysteria is postponed for a long time in the subconscious of the little person. And the stereotype of his further behavior is formed on the basis of the words and actions of adults.
Step 4
So, while staying calm, try to figure out what might have triggered the tantrum. First of all, check if your baby is sick. Does he have a fever, rash, runny nose? Is he wet? Is it cold? Perhaps the child is overexcited, tired and wants to sleep? Or very hungry.
Step 5
If there are no serious reasons, then this is just a whim. Calmly ask: "What happened?" Although it is so easy to guess - the child requires something from you. Or a favorite item, or a candy, or someone else's toy. Small children often get picked up this way.
Step 6
Once you have established the cause of the tantrum, tell your child in a convincing tone that you will be fine if he calms down. The kid does not stop talking? Calmly continue doing your business. You can even move to another room. But be true to your word: stay away until the child has calmed down.
Step 7
The most unpleasant thing is when children throw tantrums in public. Here it is necessary to immediately take the child out of the public place. After the incident, let him be alone for a while. And he will feel: with such behavior he does not deserve any communication, no entertainment, no gifts.
Step 8
How does hysteria usually develop? At first, the kid is just naughty. Then he starts screaming, getting more and more inflamed. And soon begins to act: stamping his feet, throwing things, trying to rivet attention to himself.
Step 9
The extreme is when the child falls and convulses. But as soon as you leave him alone, the tantrum will quickly end. The child puts on a little play for you, and any actor needs an audience.
Step 10
The hysteria ends, as a rule, with plaintive sobbing and a suffering look seeking sympathy. Here, the hearts of many mothers cannot stand it, and they make a serious mistake: they rush to the baby with hugs, showering him with a thousand kisses. But in the subconscious of the child, the conclusion is fixed: but it turned out in my opinion!
Step 11
Remember: hysterics in children is the best way to influence adults in such a way that they will certainly get their way. If you once, second, third, show weakness and surrender, henceforth the child will use this weapon against you systematically.