For full happiness, a woman needs to feel loved and significant in a man's life. To do this, you need to figure out what, in fact, a modern man needs and what a woman can offer him.

Step 1
Food. This is a primary human need. No matter what they say about the culinary talents of the stronger sex, the fact remains: a man in the kitchen is rather an exception to the rule (albeit a rather pleasant one). In everyday life, cooking is a woman's business, a man's is to eat (preferably with pleasure).
Step 2
Cosiness. Men sincerely love their bachelor dwellings, but, despite this, most of them will appreciate the way of life created and arranged by the hands of a woman.
Step 3
Sex. Many women use it as a means of manipulation. Experience shows that sometimes it really works. But the possibility of tying a man to oneself in this way for a long time is very doubtful.
Step 4
We need to face the truth: a man is able to satisfy all his physical needs in the modern world himself. In the hypermarket, you can buy a ready-made dish for every taste, washing, thanks to modern technology, is not difficult, and a girl from the house services will help you clean up. Of course, in bed, a normal man has nothing to do without the desired woman. But we live in a time when everything is bought and sold. There would be demand, but there will be supply. Finding a companion for the evening for most men will not be difficult.
Step 5
Wanting to become indispensable for their men, many women stubbornly try to bring to life the image of the ideal Mary Poppins. They are magicians in the kitchen and craftsmen in the bed. Unfortunately, it is from the lips of such women that men, in the end, listen to reproaches. After all, devoting herself entirely to his interests, she expects the same from him. But is a man ready for such sacrifices? Hardly. As a result, he can only be indignant, bewildered.
Step 6
According to the famous theory of A. Maslow, having satisfied his primary physical needs, a person strives to satisfy spiritual ones. Modern life is full of rush jobs, critical situations, stresses, which are especially detrimental to the mental and physical health of men. To solve numerous problems every day, he simply needs reliable support and support. A loving woman should become his “right hand”, partner, advisor and best friend all rolled into one. The ability to remain calm and self-control in critical situations, wisdom, patience, optimism - these are precisely the feminine qualities that are so attractive to men when it comes to long-term relationships. Common interests, ease of communication, similar goals and a willingness to achieve them together are the foundation of a strong and happy relationship.