A man should always be judged by his deeds. For most women, it is very important that he is a good father to children and can take responsibility for the family on himself. You need to look at each other, a woman should not immediately go down the aisle, believing only beautiful empty words.

It is rather difficult to predict the attitude of a man towards children. There is a saying among the people "marry - change", which, probably, can be attributed to the birth of children. It also happened that a promising and respectable man turns out to be a bad father, and an uncollected and irresponsible guy turns into a caring and loving dad. There are certain positive traits in a man that can make him a potentially good father.
A responsibility
This is a trait that is difficult to find in many men. See how the guy behaves, whether his words and deeds are not at variance. Does he perform the tasks entrusted to him in a quality manner?
Calm and composure
Raising a child is difficult at any age. In various life situations, it is simply necessary for the baby and the mother to feel support and protection from the man. I need his advice and help. If in such situations one feels indifference or the desire to shift difficulties onto other people's shoulders, then this is a reason to think.
Family commitment
It is important here how a man relates to marriage and the institution of the family in general. It is important for him or not. A young man should come to the desire to start a family psychologically, and not out of fear that age is running out and the prospect of being alone looms.
First of all, it is necessary to evaluate a person by his deeds, and he can say anything.