People in love get hung up on their feelings. Because of this, it is difficult for them to understand whether their love is unrequited or mutual. This often happens to guys as they are less attentive than girls. But, if you look closely, it is not difficult to notice a girl in love.

It is necessary
close attention
Step 1
To find out if your chosen one is in love with you, pay attention to how she communicates with you. If she seeks to meet with you, postpones her affairs for this, devotes a lot of time to you, then you are clearly not indifferent to her. If she shows interest in your life, work, hobbies, health, she is probably in love with you. Conversely, if a girl avoids communication, is always in a hurry somewhere, you do not attract her as a guy.
Step 2
Tell her a little about your ex-girlfriends. Of course, if your conversation is pretty frank. A girl in love, when mentioning competitors, will surely deteriorate, even if she wants to hide it, it will be very noticeable.
Step 3
Watch how she looks at you. A woman in love wants to possess the object of her passion. At the initial stages of the development of relationships, young people do not allow themselves to touch each other, therefore it is the eyes that betray their feelings. If a girl looks at you admiringly, her eyes "burn", but she quickly averts them, as soon as you look at her, she is clearly in love with you.
Step 4
Pay attention to how she reacts to your jokes. Usually, girls are annoyed by stupid, inappropriate, especially vulgar jokes. But ladies in love react to them in an unusual way for themselves - they laugh at any jokes that sounded from the lips of their beloved.
Step 5
Check if your chosen one is ready for crazy deeds. When girls are overwhelmed with emotions, they are ready not only to completely change their image, but also to do something like a parachute jump into your arms.
Step 6
Compliment your loved one. If she doesn't pay much attention to them, then she doesn't care what you think about her appearance. If she blooms before our eyes, blushes a little and often puts on the dress that you praised, she is clearly trying to please you.
Step 7
Listen to how she talks to you. Usually, girls talk to everyone calmly, and with guys for whom they have feelings, they begin to stutter, get embarrassed, get lost in words or think for a long time about the answer.
Step 8
Pay attention to her behavior. If she flirts with you, speaks in a low, low voice, ruffles her hair, or assumes seductive positions in your presence, she cares about you. Also, if she unconsciously repeats your movements, gestures or postures, feel free to invite her out on a date.