A child's readiness for learning can be determined by his desire or unwillingness to go to school, by the presence of a desire to acquire new knowledge. Physical health and the child's readiness to show volitional effort in overcoming difficulties are of great importance. The combination of all types of readiness will allow you to learn most successfully.

- - drawing paper;
- - the pencils;
- - puzzle;
- - tests for the development of cognitive processes.
Step 1
Have a conversation with your child: does he want to become a schoolboy and why? Offer to draw a school. Lessons, games at recess are evidence of a positive emotional mood. Hooligans at school, angry teachers with sticks or just a school building with closed doors - negative attitude, fear of the school.
Step 2
Offer a preschooler a puzzle that he knows he cannot solve, for example, Rubik's Cube. Create a stimulating situation to determine the degree of willpower development: “Try again. You've almost done it! Well done! . The longer the child is engaged in the decision, the higher the level of development of will and determination.
Step 3
Analyze your health level. A frequently ill child (more than 5 times a year) or with a health group below the second, will experience difficulties in learning due to frequent absences from classes.
Step 4
Give the task to the future student to reach with his right hand over his head to the left ear. According to the recommendations of R. Steiner, an Austrian teacher, this is how physiological readiness for school is determined. In his opinion, it is best to send a child to school after a “growth spurt”, ie. rapid growth of the body in a short period of time (after the change of milk teeth), so that the child spends all the energy in the body on learning.
Step 5
Organize a school play. Social readiness will manifest itself if the child has a desire to fulfill the function of a student: write in a notebook, draw in an album, use a portfolio, etc.
Step 6
Find reliable and objective tests to test the degree of development of cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination. Spend them in the morning, spending no more than 15 minutes on assignments. Conduct no more than 3 tests on one day, strictly following the instructions for their implementation.