Conception of a child is a natural process that can occur in the body of a healthy woman of childbearing age with the participation of male germ cells as a result of intercourse.

Step 1
Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, a woman ovulates. At this time, the mature egg is released from the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. The day of the onset of ovulation depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle, the individual characteristics of a particular woman, or specific changes in lifestyle. For example, if you are vacationing in a hot country, your hormones may be affected and ovulation may occur earlier than usual. A ripe egg lives in a woman's body for about a day, and this is the only day in a month when a woman can become pregnant.
Step 2
During intercourse, a man secretes from 150 to 500 million sperm. Depending on the health of a man, they can remain active in a woman's body for up to 7 days. Thus, a woman can conceive a child even if intercourse took place a week before ovulation. The onset of pregnancy is most likely if unprotected sex occurs no later than 3 days before ovulation. The most favorable time for conception is the period from 12 to 15 days of the menstrual cycle.
Step 3
Most of the spermatozoa die in the vagina, and after intercourse, several tens of millions of motile spermatozoa enter the uterine cavity. They move along the fallopian tube towards the ovary, and if an egg is encountered on their way, the most active sperm fertilizes it. The sperm head penetrates under the ovum membrane and merges with it into a single whole. The female and male cells form a zygote, which should later develop into an embryo, and then into a fetus, and after 9 months become a new person. The sperm and the egg each carry 1 set of chromosomes. When combined, they form 23 pairs that are responsible for the sex, eye and hair color of the unborn child, as well as many other characteristics of the baby's body structure.
Step 4
If 2 spermatozoa penetrate through the egg membrane at the same time, this will not lead to the appearance of twins. Usually, such a zygote becomes unviable, and pregnancy does not occur. Conception of twins or twins occurs for other reasons. The zygote can be divided into 2 parts, as a result of which 2 identical embryos are formed and in the future identical twins will be born. In some cycles, a woman matures more than one follicle, and at the time of ovulation, fertilization of several eggs can occur. As a result, two or, in rare cases, more fraternal twins will be conceived in the fallopian tube.
Step 5
In the future, the ovum moves along the fallopian tube and 3-7 days after conception, it is implanted into the uterine cavity, where the unborn child will develop in the next 38 weeks.