Love is the most beautiful thing in a person's life. This feeling deprives sleep and appetite, makes the heart beat faster. Many people dream of finding love. But there are those who dream of winning in love. These people say that in love, as in war, all is fair. The main thing is to define a suitable target.

Determination, self-confidence, patience and perseverance in achieving your goal
Step 1
So, you set yourself a goal - to win in love, to achieve reciprocity from the object of your adoration. And the first thing you should do is find out as much as possible about the chosen one. Find out what he is interested in, what he loves, if he has a hobby. And the main thing that you should know about him is whether his heart is free.

Step 2
Then we act like this. Try as often as possible to visit the companies where your chosen one or chosen one is. Show that you also understand the issues that interest him, that you are interested in his opinion. You should give the impression that you are an intelligent conversationalist and that you will never be bored with you. Nothing brings people together like common interests.

Step 3
Let's not forget about appearance. As the classic used to say: everything in a person should be fine. Remember that men are not the only ones who love eyes. Women also like well-groomed men. Train your chosen one (or darling) to the idea that you are always somewhere nearby. Constantly catch his eye. If possible, help in small things, in a friendly way. And then disappear for a while. Make sure that the object of your adoration is worried, not meeting you in their usual places and surroundings. Give him a chance to understand that life without you will be empty and joyless.