Unfortunately or fortunately, the universal key to a woman's heart has not yet been invented. But at the same time, all the fair sex can be divided into two groups: the first like it when they are conquered, the second prefer to act on their own. Accordingly, if you recognize to which category your lady of the heart belongs, you can pick up a key for her.

Step 1
Princesses are gentle, modest, romantic. They are hovering in the clouds and waiting for their prince on a white horse (in the sense, "Mercedes"). Princess girls are vulnerable and even shy creatures. With them, courtesy is needed, a long candy-bouquet period, a mandatory acquaintance with parents. And all this to the music of "Romantic Collection". And since a prince means a man with his own vehicle, he must also be wealthy.
Step 2
Amazons are bright, passionate, with an active lifestyle. They do not wait for the weather and "scarlet sails" by the sea, they arrange their personal life on their own. Having chosen a "victim" they do not calm down until they get it or completely let it go. They love to be admired, wildly jealous, arrange public scenes. They prefer the Latin style and dances on the bar counter. The financial position of the chosen one is appreciated, but they earn excellent money themselves.
Step 3
Strategies for winning a woman's heart directly depend on who your chosen one is - a princess or an Amazon. If a princess, then boldly sing her serenades under the window. Moreover, the louder and closer to 4 o'clock in the morning, the stronger the effect. Wear it on your hands, causing the envy of your friends; shower with gifts, increasing your rating in the eyes of her parents; carry on trips, conquering with care and attention. But if she's an Amazon, let the lady dance the gentleman. Let her feel luxurious and desirable, and let you melt under her spell. Drive with her around Moscow at night, letting her drive; shower with declarations of love, preferably in front of the managing partners; have sex in the most unexpected place, and the more chances that someone will come, the better.