Unfortunately, pregnancy from an unloved man in the modern world has become quite common. Some women in such situations do not know how to proceed, are afraid to make the wrong choice and very often fall into depression. The thought that the father of the unborn child is unloved becomes scary, and the woman does not understand what to do in such a situation.

To give birth or not to give birth?
To the question of whether it is worth giving birth to children from an unloved man, there has never been and there is no exact answer. A woman should understand that she is responsible for every step taken on her path, so before making any decision, you need to pause and just think about the future.
Having become pregnant from a disagreeable woman, the woman worries that the unborn child will also be disliked by her. The kid can remind of that man, be like him both in character and in external features. Words like "unloved child" even sound with eerie coldness and fear. It may turn out that the child will become the main factor of irritation and discontent for you. Even the very fact of its existence sometimes becomes unpleasant. The most dangerous thing here is the abyss that can form between a mother and a child if he is born of an unloved person.
In fact, such a danger exists, but women are very rarely able to dislike their child, even one born of a man who is not their lover.
What to do if pregnancy comes from an unloved man?
There is a way out even from the most difficult situation. In such a case, the most relevant option will be a psychological technique, when it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.
You need to make a sober assessment of what is happening and find all the pros and cons.
If you find out that you are pregnant from a man you do not love, you better try to look at everything from a positive point of view. After all, pregnancy, even from an unloved person, is a gift of fate. Children are the most valuable thing in a person's life. After all, this is your child too. Some women are deprived of the opportunity to bear and give birth to a child on their own, although they have an irresistible desire to become a mother. This pushes them to use all sorts of methods, for example, artificial insemination or surrogacy. They are ready to give any money just to cuddle such a small and dear baby.
Another key point is that you don't need to be alone with your feelings and thoughts. Tell about your dilemma to close people you trust, those who will always support you in difficult times. Having thrown out all emotions, you can calm down and look at everything from the other side. And if you have no one to share your innermost with, contact a psychologist. A specialist will help you figure it out. You should also talk to the father of the unborn child himself. Find out his opinion and his feelings.
In any case, listen to your inner voice, your heart, do as you see fit. Make this important decision, and life will put everything in its place.