Finding out that a husband or a young man is a drug addict is very difficult and painful. But it is even harder to make the decision to leave him, especially if the woman loves him.

Drug addiction is a chronic and almost incurable disease. Of course, there are some exceptions. A drug addict can live his entire life in remission, that is, complete rejection of drugs, but he does not stop being a drug addict. In addition, narcologists believe that if a person has been using drugs for 1 to 2 years, he still has a chance to return to a normal, sober life. But the fact is that most patients themselves do not want to admit their addiction or do not want to give it up.
It is very difficult for a woman living with a drug addict, because she has to spend all her mental strength on him. Moreover, almost everyone believes that they can help the husband of a drug addict recover from his terrible illness. It should be remembered that no one will ever help a person with a weak will, if he himself does not want to.
Is it worth leaving a drug addict?
If a woman finds that her loved one is addicted to drugs, she is faced with a difficult choice. She has to make the decision to leave or stay and live in a nightmare. It is especially difficult to decide what to do if the husband is a drug addict and children are growing up in the family. Of course, children should not face all the horrors that a drug addict is capable of. This is theft, and aggression and much, much more.
It is worth making the decision to leave based on what the person is. Of course, if the husband uses daily and tyrannizes the whole family, there should be no questions about leaving. It is necessary to leave and save yourself and your children. But if a loved one has tried it once or has a firm intention to quit, perhaps he should be given time. Unfortunately, there can be no unequivocal advice here. But it will be useful to visit a psychologist and a narcologist in order to understand in which direction to act.
How to decide to leave
If a woman has made a firm decision to leave, she should leave without looking back. Often, drug addicts have excellent acting talent and will try to get their soul mate back more than once, pressing for pity. However, one should not be hopeful: if a person did not bother living with his wife to try to get rid of his addiction, then most likely he will never do it.
When leaving, you should change phone numbers or make sure that he could not find a woman. If possible, it is best to move to another city or change your place of residence. In no case do not respond to calls for help, this is manipulation. After all, if a woman starts living with him again, after a while everything can happen again.
Of course, it is very difficult to survive parting with a loved one, but if he has a drug addiction and does not want to get rid of it, then it is best to endure the pain and resentment of the break. Drugs will always come first in an addict.