It so happens that two live happily, and over time, a woman realizes that she has stopped loving her spouse or her common-law husband. In this case, you need to leave the unloved and start a new life from scratch.

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that marriages made for love fall apart from the fact that a woman has ceased to love her husband. Or it happens that a lady consciously lives in a civil marriage or marries an unloved person for the sake of material benefits, but eventually realizes that it is impossible to live like that.
Of course, it is very difficult to live with a person in whom a lot is annoying, while he needs to cook, wash and, of course, go to bed together. If further living with the unloved is a burden, before leaving, you need to understand yourself.
How to understand if love remains?
Psychologists advise a person to understand himself before taking a serious step. Perhaps, if initially there was love, it simply transformed. She became calmer, passions faded, and her husband realized that the woman was not going anywhere, and stopped showing his concern. Or a crisis period has come, which happens in the first, third and seventh year of marriage. Before leaving the second half, you need to firmly understand that love has passed and cannot be returned.
To do this, you can test yourself in this way: you should imagine that the husband has left, and very far, and the lady was left alone, without him. How does she feel? If the heart began to ache, and did not even want to imagine life without it, then love is alive and can still be revived. If, presenting the absence of her husband, the woman felt relief, it means that you need to disperse and not waste your life on a person for whom there are no feelings and emotions.
Love can only be revived by two, with a mutual desire. This requires heart-to-heart conversations. The second half should be told everything that worries a woman, why she does not feel love and care from her husband, a lot can be settled together.
However, sometimes a different scenario also happens, when a woman lived with a beloved man, and he turned out to be a domestic tyrant or an alcoholic. By his actions, he "killed" love, and it became simply unbearable to live with him. In such a situation, you need to run without looking back, and save your life and the lives of children, if any.
How to decide to break up
First of all, you need to prepare a "financial cushion". It is very good if a woman works and has her own savings. In this case, it will be much easier to leave. Do not despair and forget that all problems are solvable, you just need to make an effort and not lose faith in yourself.
First of all, you need to think about the housing issue, having solved it, it will be possible to arrange life according to your own rules. Women who have nowhere to live can temporarily return to their parents, other relatives, or a friend. And start looking for your home. Housewives who have dedicated their lives to their family and husbands who do not leave their student days for work need to think about their activities. You may need to complete professional courses or improve your qualifications before taking steps in a new life.
Having prepared the ground, having accumulated some savings, you can begin to make plans for a new life.
Leaving go
Having made a difficult decision, you should only move forward. You should not return to a person out of pity or because there is nowhere and nothing to live on. All these issues will eventually be settled and resolved. The desire to change your life and find a worthy and loved person should be great. After all, a woman deserves to be happy, loved and desired. And no one can change life for a person, except for himself.