What To Do If The Child Does Not Want To Sleep During The Day

What To Do If The Child Does Not Want To Sleep During The Day
What To Do If The Child Does Not Want To Sleep During The Day

Not all children go to bed well during the day, many of them already at the age of 1, 5-2 years old may refuse to take a day's rest. It is a violation or a developmental norm - the views of mothers and therapists differ.

What to do if the child does not want to sleep during the day
What to do if the child does not want to sleep during the day

Doctors-therapists advise parents to adhere to the daily regimen in dealing with the baby. The sleep norms for young children say that from birth to one year, the child sleeps at least 3 times a day, from one year to 1.5 years, the amount of daytime sleep can decrease up to 2 times during the day, from 1, 5 to 4-5 years children sleep only once - after lunch, and after 6 years old they can sleep only at night. There can be many reasons for refusing daytime rest for a child: he gets up late, plays calmly, does not get tired, or maybe his psyche is not overloaded during the day and the baby can withstand quite normally even without daytime sleep, increasing the time to rest at night. Before worrying and going to the doctor, parents should find out the reason for the baby's reluctance to go to bed. It should also be remembered that some children simply do not have a need for daytime rest, and this is absolutely normal.

Stick to a daily routine

The best way to deal with your child's whims and get them used to a routine is to set a clear daily routine and follow it all the time. Of course, when the child does not go to kindergarten yet and does not need to get up in the morning at the same time, it is quite difficult to establish the order. Either the baby cries at night, then he cannot fall asleep for a long time the day before, the time for getting up always gets lost, the child can get up both at 7 am and at 9 or 10 o'clock. Therefore, the habits of going to bed and getting up at the same time are not developed. In this case, the mother needs to radically change her approach: set clear hours for getting up and going to bed, then after a while the child will get used to getting up early, engaging in active games in the morning, getting tired by lunchtime and going to bed, and in the evening to find calmer things and again fit without problems, without being overexcited at the same time. When the baby knows exactly how the day is planned, his body will adjust to the regime and it will become easier for the child to control his desires.

Useful Tips

There are a few more rules that will make it easier for your baby to lay down. Try to keep him always sleeping in one place, then it will be associated with sleep and tranquility. Stop fun and active games before bed. It will be useful to come up with a certain ritual of going to bed and always stick to it: dress in pajamas, read a fairy tale, sing a lullaby, wish good night.

Put your child to bed early if you see that he is already tired and falling asleep on the go. Do not wait for him to finish eating and finish drawing, otherwise the baby may get overexcited, cry, throw a tantrum. It is important to be able to distinguish signs of fatigue in a child: he can now eyes, whimper, be capricious, freeze for a while.

Give your child the opportunity to fall asleep on his own, without pacifiers, feeding or motion sickness. Already at the age of 3 months, the baby is able to do this, to say nothing of older children. When the child learns to calm down on his own, he will sleep much better, and the mother will not have to sit for hours over his cradle or crib.
