Why Does The Child Want To Sleep All The Time?

Why Does The Child Want To Sleep All The Time?
Why Does The Child Want To Sleep All The Time?

Children, unlike adults, usually take a long time to sleep. However, lethargy, frequent yawning during the day and the child's desire to take a nap at any opportunity can be caused not only by the characteristics of the child's body or external factors, but also by some diseases. What are the causes of daytime sleepiness in children?

Why does the child want to sleep all the time?
Why does the child want to sleep all the time?

A lethargic state, unwillingness to show any activity, refusal to play and increased drowsiness in a child may occur due to physiological disorders, under the influence of various painful conditions. It should be borne in mind that most diseases are accompanied by other symptoms.

Painful conditions that provoke increased sleepiness in childhood

Anemia. With anemia in childhood, there is a sharp decline in strength, weakness, lethargy, inhibition of reactions, a state when the child is constantly falling asleep.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract affect the general well-being of the child. If the child's body does not receive the necessary nutrients due to the fact that digestion is disturbed and normal assimilation of food does not occur, then the child will complain of weakness, lack of energy. In addition, in case of poisoning, increased drowsiness is also possible.

Viral, infectious diseases. If any inflammatory process caused by viruses occurs in the child's body, if there is an elevated body temperature, then the appearance of weakness and lethargy is a completely natural result. With colds and flu, the child will constantly want to sleep.

Hypotension. Low blood pressure is characterized by headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, yawning, and a feeling of lack of oxygen.

Nervous, mental illness and borderline states. With childhood depression or asthenic syndrome, the child may constantly want to sleep. In the context of these conditions, as a rule, the duration of night sleep increases, unless the child suffers from insomnia, it can be very difficult to wake up the baby in the morning. Drowsiness can be a symptom of other pathologies, here it is very important to get competent advice from a doctor.

Other diseases and pathological conditions that cause increased daytime sleepiness in a child:

  1. low hemoglobin;
  2. encephalopathy;
  3. kidney disease;
  4. endocrine system diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus;
  5. bronchial asthma;
  6. obesity;
  7. bleeding in internal organs;
  8. infections affecting the brain;
  9. head trauma;
  10. diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  11. vascular and heart problems, such as atherosclerosis or heart failure;
  12. various chronic diseases, including tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  13. allergic reactions;
  14. avitaminosis.

Additional causes of drowsiness in childhood

Stress. If a child is under the influence of stress for a long time, his nervous system begins to malfunction. Lethargy and lethargy can be a consequence of a stressful situation.

Lack of sleep. When a child, for any reason - something hurts, has nightmares, an unusual environment, unfavorable conditions for sleep, and so on - does not sleep well at night and does not get enough sleep at all, during the day he will feel overwhelmed, exhausted.

Unbalanced diet. Why does the child constantly want to sleep? Often this situation develops due to the fact that the baby eats little and poorly. If iron and other beneficial trace elements are lacking in the children's diet, this will lead to a sharp decline in strength.

Side effects of drugs. Many medications have increased drowsiness among their side effects. This, for example, applies to anti-allergy drugs, tranquilizers. However, increased sleepiness in childhood is also caused by drug overdose. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor which pills the child takes and in what quantity.

Physical inactivity. Lack of activity, a tendency to a passive lifestyle in childhood leads to the fact that the child begins to constantly want to sleep, he becomes too lazy to do anything, lethargy and apathy come to the fore.

Lack of oxygen. In stuffy rooms or if you refuse to walk in the fresh air, the child will not have enough oxygen. This will cause lethargy, confusion, yawning, a desire to lie down and take a nap.

Unstable emotional background. Oddly enough, frequent and sudden mood swings can provoke increased daytime sleepiness in childhood.
