For an adult, a pillow is an indispensable attribute of a comfortable sleep, carefully selected according to such parameters as the composition of the filler, shape and size. In the case of newborn babies, it is important not so much to choose the right model as to understand whether the baby really needs a pillow. The answer to this question depends on the state of health of the child, which will help the local pediatrician to assess.

In order to properly shape the spine, pediatricians recommend putting newborns to sleep on a hard and even mattress without a pillow. But often, the fact that a pillow is present in a newborn's bedding set prompts parents to consider using it. In case of problems with the spine, deformity of the skull and the presence of a diagnosis of torticollis, it is recommended to use special orthopedic models of pillows in the form of a roller with a notch or depression in the middle, providing a certain position of the head.
Never put your baby on an adult chubby pillow: a child who has not yet learned to control his body may suffocate by burying his face in it. The irreparable can happen literally in a minute, therefore, to be sure of the safety of your baby, better buy a special “support” pillow. It consists of two blocks with a soft filling, which are covered with washable fabric. While sleeping on its side, the child is in a natural position, leaning back on a large block. The small block prevents the baby from rolling over on the tummy. There are also commercially available anti-suffocation cushions made of porous material with a duct system to provide free passage for air. Such a pillow will not make it difficult for the child to breathe, even if he rolls over on his stomach during sleep and buries his face in it.
To make the baby more comfortable, place a flannel diaper folded four times under his head. In some cases, when the child's breathing becomes difficult during sleep, it is recommended to put a roll, rolled from a towel, under the upper edge of the mattress. In this case, the angle of inclination should be no more than 10 degrees. This method will also help your baby to breathe more easily if they have a runny nose, as the raised head will make it easier for mucus to drain from the nasal passages into the larynx.