How To Know A Man

How To Know A Man
How To Know A Man

Table of contents:


A rare woman can boast that she fully understands her man - and this is not surprising, since the way of thinking in women and men is radically different from each other. Nevertheless, every woman is able to reach an understanding with her partner, if she wants it and makes a little effort to understand the male psyche.

How to know a man
How to know a man


Step 1

Often, women demand something from men, but do not get what they expect, because a man does not understand what they want from him. If you turn to a man with a conversation or a request, speak his language so that he understands you and responds most meaningfully. To do this, always clearly formulate the topic for the conversation. Men do not like hints and incomprehensible vague phrases - they need to understand what the purpose of the conversation is, so the woman's task is to clearly express what she wants.

Step 2

When communicating with a man, try not to hurt his feelings and do not compare him with other men. To humiliate a man's dignity in his own eyes is a direct path to misunderstanding, hostility and non-constructive conversation.

Step 3

At the end of the conversation, be sure to draw conclusions. Every man needs a specific result of any process, and if at the end of the conversation he does not hear the results and conclusions, he will consider the conversation meaningless.

Step 4

If you do not draw a conclusion from your speech, a man can answer in monosyllables - and you should not be surprised at this. In any case, do not be offended by the laconic male answers - unlike you, the man thinks in silence, and out loud expresses only the results of his thoughts.

Step 5

In order to understand men, it is important not only to be able to talk to them, but also to understand their body language. Carefully study the facial expressions and gestures that the man uses in communicating with you. Pay attention to your smile, eyes, facial expressions, direction of movement.

Step 6

From the behavior of a man in a conversation, you can even extract information such as his sexual characteristics - for example, if a man moves well, is distinguished by grace and smoothness of movements, then you can be sure that he is good in bed.

Step 7

If a man is hurried and fussy, cannot talk on one topic for a long time and easily jumps from discussing one subject to another, in bed he will most likely be in a hurry in the same way, and he will not be able to concentrate on you for a long time.
