What Qualities Do Girls Like In Guys

What Qualities Do Girls Like In Guys
What Qualities Do Girls Like In Guys

Women can have a variety of requirements for guys: some love smart, others rich, others strong. However, one way or another, there are a number of qualities that girls value most in young people.

What qualities do girls like in guys
What qualities do girls like in guys

Best of all: traditional "gentleman's set"

Even for frivolous girls who like to flirt, the ability to be faithful is often of great importance. Sometimes it is enough for a man to simply speculate about the beauty of a girl passing by or to gaze at her, and now his beloved is already jealous and does not find a place for herself, drawing pictures of treason in his imagination. It is important to bear in mind that for women, infidelity often lies not only in sexual intercourse, but even in the fact that a man fell in love with another and began to conduct a very dubious correspondence with her.

Such quality as responsibility is also highly valued. If a man easily makes promises and does not fulfill them, and also does not want to be responsible for his own actions, it will not be too easy for him to like the girl. The absence of this quality is especially difficult if a woman is determined to have a serious relationship, wants to start a family and understands that such a man cannot be entrusted with helping a pregnant wife or caring for a child, and even hope that he will at least buy food for the way home is also not necessary.

Girls often like self-confident guys. This is the secret of the fact that often "bad guys" are much more popular than smart but very shy good boys. Of course, you should not rush to extremes: the best option would be calm self-confidence, supported by poise and sobriety.

What women like about men

Strong guys are always valued highly, but that doesn't mean girls don't like romance. If a man is gentle, affectionate, romantic, arranges walks under the moon and candlelit dinners, makes good compliments, he has great chances to win the heart of a woman, especially a young woman who dreams of beautiful courtship.

Mind is usually a natural trait. But erudition is quite possible and develop. A man who can tell a lot of interesting things or explain to a woman something that she does not understand becomes both a conqueror of hearts and a reason for pride. The main thing is not to go too far and not turn into a bore, because these guys are often more tolerated than loved.

Finally, girls often like generosity in men. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on your beloved - you just need to be able to spend it correctly and not be stingy. It is better to often make small pleasant surprises than to present a bouquet of roses every two years, at the risk of hearing a logical question: "What have you done?"
