5 Types Of Men Not Suitable For A Serious Relationship

5 Types Of Men Not Suitable For A Serious Relationship
5 Types Of Men Not Suitable For A Serious Relationship

It is noted that over the past decades, the average age at marriage has increased from 28 to 32 years. More and more men are in no hurry to go to the registry office, preferring to lead their usual way of life. In addition, experts have identified several main types of men who are simply not fit for marriage.

5 types of men not suitable for a serious relationship
5 types of men not suitable for a serious relationship

Observation is the main "weapon"

In order not to be mistaken in choosing her future chosen one, a woman should take a closer look at him. It is possible that the prince of her heart, for a number of reasons, will never be able to create a family of his own. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor him, his behavior and attitude towards himself and others. Researchers identify five of the most common types of men who are not suitable for a serious relationship. Among them are narcissists, egoists, womanizers, windy men, mothers' sons, pedants and many others.

Five types of unprepared men for serious relationships

1. Mom's son

Mama's son can be seen from afar. He always listens to the opinion of his mother, who is often an indisputable authority for him. He knows that his mother will help solve everything that has arisen on his way, will advise on how to act in a given situation. Such a man is not able to make an independent decision. He needs to be sure that he is right. And if mom approves of his actions, he will do something. Such people, as a rule, are lacking in initiative, they are used to obeying and being led. In a companion and in the future - in a wife, he will unconsciously look for a copy of his mother, both outwardly and in character, strong-willed, strong, capable, if necessary, "hide" him under his wing.


Often, such men turn into henpecked, ready to follow the lead of their other half, to completely obey her and her decisions. It is possible that some of the women will like such an individual who is not able to take the initiative, but who is submissive in everything. Infantile, dependent, he is unlikely to be able to help in solving everyday issues. And then the woman will have to take on the replacement of the light bulb in the chandelier, repair of the leaking tap in the kitchen. Because she is unlikely to get help from the henpecked.

2. Womanizer

He is charming, knows what he wants and is usually used to achieving his goal, for which he uses all possible methods - courtship, beautiful words and often declarations of love. But having achieved what he wants, as a rule, he cools down, his interest in the "conquered peak" fades somewhat. And even if he assures his companion that she is the one and only for him, she cannot be sure of the veracity of these words. After all, somewhere nearby there may be several other such "unique" ones. Such men, as a rule, love only themselves and satisfy only their own needs. The feelings, emotions and desires of the woman with him rarely interest him.


3. Workaholic

Despite the numerous positive qualities of men who are ready to put everything in order to achieve professional growth and career success, it is unlikely that he will be able to become a good life partner. Because all his interests are mainly related to work. He usually has. A busy schedule, in which the wife, and even more so the children, very rarely fit. But he devotes himself entirely to work. At the same time, everyday problems are usually not interesting to him. Such a man can be a good earner, but a husband in the direct sense of the word does not work out very well from him.

4. Selfish

The selfish man is immediately visible. Everything in his environment should obey only him and his interests. He even appoints a meeting place where he wants, and not his companion. And he behaves in relation to his beloved and others in most cases with the benefit of himself. In a relationship with such a person, a woman should forget about her own opinion, which is unlikely to be taken into account, and follow through life in such a way that it is convenient and comfortable for her companion, but not for herself.


It will not be easy for a woman with a narcissistic man who is used to admiring only himself and receiving compliments in his address. He is always sleek, well-groomed, with a beautiful hairstyle and fresh manicure, but at the same time narcissistic and self-centered. A woman next to such a man always remains on the sidelines. And it is unlikely to be able to withstand such an attitude for a long time.

5. Familiar with the site

Many women try to find their destiny and future life partner on dating sites, in social networks. And although some manage to find their other half in this way, not everyone is lucky in this way. In most cases, men hanging out on such sites are looking for an easy prey, a mistress who can satisfy his sexual interests and fantasies. From the first acquaintance, such men should not be trusted. Indeed, in real life, he may turn out to be an exemplary family man looking for temporary entertainment for himself.


Miracles happen?

A Russian proverb says that you cannot order your heart. And this is really so, which is why women often fall in love with men who are not suitable for her. To slightly balance such relationships, experts recommend working on yourself. And if you wish, try to re-educate your chosen one or adapt to him, so that this union is convenient for both. What if you get lucky? And fortune will smile, blessing the formed union, and even yesterday's womanizer will turn out to be the best husband and an exemplary family man, and the egoist will become the most loving and caring man.
