Sometimes it is not easy for a woman, especially a young and inexperienced woman, to understand whether the boyfriend is really in love with her or if she is just an object of short-term passion for him. And a mistake can lead to bitter disappointment. Of course, you should not be overly distrustful, suspicious, being like those ladies who are sure that all representatives of the stronger sex need only one thing from women. But still, it doesn't hurt to know how a truly loving man should behave.

Step 1
If a man really loves you, he will see only the good in you. And he will either not notice your shortcomings at all, or will treat them very condescendingly. If he doesn't like something in your words or actions, he will close his eyes to it. As a last resort, he will talk to you about this topic, but very delicately, tactfully and certainly alone. He will not criticize you in front of strangers.
Step 2
A truly loving man will not humiliate himself to live at the expense of his beloved woman or solve any problems with her help. Even if you are much better off or have a higher social status, your gentleman will support himself and independently move up the career ladder. Just because he is a man.
Step 3
For a loving man, there are no other women. Of course, he can sincerely admire the beauty or intelligence of some lady, but he will not flirt with her, try to court. If he does this, it means that he does not really love you, you are only one of many for him.
Step 4
A loving man takes care of his woman, worries about her safety. His attentions and offers of help may seem excessive, sometimes even annoying to you. But this means that you are truly dear to him!
Step 5
When a man loves, he treats a woman with respect, listens carefully to her opinion and advice. Even if your boyfriend was brought up in a patriarchal spirit and believes that all decisions should be made by a man, he will not dismiss your words with disdain. Moreover, he will not allow himself a rude remark like: "Shut up, I said everything!"
Step 6
If you haven't had sex yet, a truly loving man won't rush you by insisting that you prove your love. On the contrary, if he persistently inclines you to intimacy, not paying attention to whether you want it, then there is already a reason to think about: how sincere are his feelings?
Step 7
A loving man during intimacy will not behave rudely and selfishly, caring only about his sensual pleasure. He will try to make you enjoy yourself too.