How To Tell Your Child "No"

How To Tell Your Child "No"
How To Tell Your Child "No"

There are so many interesting and unexplored things around young children, they want to try and study everything. But unfortunately, not everything that the baby wants so much is safe for him, so parents are forced to impose bans on this or that action. How to correctly introduce prohibitions so that children understand, listen and do not feel slighted at the same time?

How to tell a child
How to tell a child

You can prohibit a child only when you yourself understand why you are doing it, you must clearly know why you prohibit it to a child, otherwise the child will not understand you.

The child should not be forbidden too much. No person will obey the prohibitions if there are too many of them. Choose a few of the most dangerous, unlawful activities, objects, the rest is better removed from the child's field of vision before he grows up.

What you have banned once must always be observed, regardless of your mood. Established taboos must also be supported by all family members. Agree in advance with all family members what the child can and cannot do. Otherwise, you will embarrass the child, he will not understand why the mother forbids, while others allow.

Treat all the baby's antics with patience and calmness. Try not to raise your voice to your child. Never resort to physical punishment, it still will not lead to anything good. With such methods, you will only offend the baby, and he will not take anything useful and right for himself out of this.

Offer your child an alternative for each of your prohibitions. Get the child interested in some other activity that is no less interesting and exciting.
