All parents love to pamper their children, but there must be a measure in all actions. Sometimes you have to tell your child the words of rejection. How to properly refuse a child.

Step 1
If possible, reduce the number of inhibitions so that you do not have to say the word "no" often. This word should be signaling and perceived immediately. If you use it too often, the child will not react to it correctly, or will ignore it. Try to communicate with the child, learn to negotiate in this case, an explicit prohibition will be taken seriously, the child will clearly understand what can be done and what is absolutely not allowed.
Step 2
If you impose a ban on something, then strictly adhere to it, and not the next week, and then just forget about it, or make an exception to the rule. In this case, parental prohibitions will lose all meaning, the child will not take them seriously. Be persistent. For example, if you are trying to punish your child by banning watching TV, then at least discuss the time frame, because after a while, you yourself will forget about it, and the ban will lose its significance.
Step 3
Be sure to explain to your child why you cannot perform this or that action. The smallest should be prohibited from doing anything that could harm their health and safety. For example, you cannot touch a hot iron, you can get burned, you cannot go far from your parents on the street, you can get lost. Older children, adolescents say less categorical "no", it is better to explain that this is not your whim, you do not prohibit something out of harm, but because you know, the consequences of a certain act can harm the child.
Step 4
Parenting methods must be consistent and supported by all family members. If parents prohibit something, then both grandparents and other relatives should support this decision. Otherwise, it will form a wrong perception in the child about prohibitions and can cause conflict in the family.
Step 5
Say your refusal words calmly and confidently. If you deny a child in anger, in a raised voice, he will perceive the refusal incorrectly and will think that he has done something wrong to his parents. Playful intonation will not work either, it will be difficult for a child to take a refusal seriously, a funny tone cannot signal the seriousness of what is happening.