Parents often ask themselves a very reasonable question: what cartoons can children watch? Modern cartoons are sometimes very frightening for both children and adults. The plots of some are based on brutal battles and bloody massacres, the plots of others are complex and incomprehensible to kids. How can you make the right choice and show your child only useful cartoons?

First, answer yourself the question, do you know which cartoons your children especially like to watch? The smallest are very often attracted by the plots of the famous "Smeshariki", "Fixies", "Barboskins". A special favorite among children and adults is the modern interpretation of the famous fairy tale "Masha and the Bear". Older children pay attention to cartoons where such characters as Superman, Batman, Winx fairies are present.
All these cartoons were chosen by your kids for a reason. Psychologists say that the child subconsciously identifies himself with the main characters. If your daughter is interested in the mischievous and inquisitive Masha from a modern cartoon, then there is probably something in common in the character of your child and your beloved heroine.
Take it calmly and with understanding. The most important condition that must be observed when choosing a cartoon is the age of the child. Do not rush to introduce him to famous characters if the plot is difficult to understand. Give preference to cartoons, where the main meaning is pictures, not words.
Don't get angry if your toddler asks you to play the same cartoon repeatedly. Remember yourself, because you also like a movie, and you are ready to watch it over and over again. Unobtrusively try to offer your child a picture of a similar theme. Perhaps you can switch his attention.
It is possible to prohibit the viewing of "unwanted" cartoons only as long as the child himself is not able to turn on the channel he needs. Of course, you can set the parental control function on your TV, and the baby will not have access to the desired TV channel. However, it is best to watch a cartoon that you consider dangerous or useless for your child with him.
Talk to your toddler about what is shown in this picture. Explain in a simple and accessible way that it will be better if you postpone your acquaintance with this cartoon until a later period. The child must understand that the prohibition is not just your whim, but a real necessity. Remember that even at such moments, your child should feel your care, protection and love.