How To Measure Basal Temperature During Pregnancy And What The Graph Shows

How To Measure Basal Temperature During Pregnancy And What The Graph Shows
How To Measure Basal Temperature During Pregnancy And What The Graph Shows

Basal temperature is one of the methods of pregnancy control. Its measurement allows you to observe the hormonal processes occurring in the female body. This method is cheap and safe. For independent conduct, it is required to study the methodology of the process and the drawing of the schedule.


The temperature of a healthy person is unstable. For 24 hours, it fluctuates in an insignificant range, but not more than half a degree. The lowest rate is observed during sleep, it is he who is basal. And if at other times of the day external factors (food intake, physical activity, etc.) can affect the temperature, then at night they are minimal.

How and when to measure

The method is good because a woman can take measurements on her own without leaving the house. The process should begin in the first 14 days of an interesting situation. To do this, it is enough to take a mercury thermometer, a writing instrument, and paper. Measuring basal temperature requires patience and following the rules:

  • It is necessary to measure daily, without interruption.
  • Measurements are taken in the vagina or rectum. Having chosen a place for this, you cannot change it.
  • It is desirable that the time of the procedure does not change. A difference of half an hour is allowed.
  • A pregnant woman should sleep for more than 6 hours. Going to bed after 12 am is not recommended. Calmness and sound healthy sleep are important.
  • The procedure is carried out as soon as the woman opens her eyes and wakes up. Without getting out of bed. Therefore, everything for the measurement must lie near the bed.
  • A graph is drawn up based on the test results.

How is the procedure performed? Before the process, it is necessary to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. Lying in a horizontal position, insert it into the vagina or anus. The depth of penetration is 2-3 cm. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

Processes Affecting the Accuracy of Results

Measurement figures may not be accurate. There are several factors that make the data questionable:

  • restless and short sleep;
  • pelvic infections;
  • eating or taking medications before the procedure;
  • having intercourse less than 12 hours ago;
  • physical activity before the measurement process, it is undesirable even to toss and turn in bed;
  • other, apart from the recumbent, position of the body during the measurement.

What the graph shows

What deviations are indicated by the test results? What can be identified? It is generally accepted that the basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy is kept around 37 °. Deviations exceeding the norm by 0.3 units or more may indicate problems. The results of the study are studied by a gynecologist, on the basis of which conclusions are made about the course of pregnancy. What can be detected in this case:

  • a drop in temperature below normal may be a warning about a threat to the embryo;
  • lack of progesterone;
  • an increase in basal temperature is one of the symptoms of an inflammatory process or infection.

A single decrease or increase in basal temperature is not evidence of any violations. The change can be caused by errors made during the measurement.

Basal studies are performed only at the beginning of pregnancy. When a woman is 14 weeks old, taking measurements is useless. At this time, the hormonal background changes so much that the test results will be uninformative.
