How To Determine The Inclinations Of A Child

How To Determine The Inclinations Of A Child
How To Determine The Inclinations Of A Child

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It is believed that a child will have the more chances of successfully realizing his abilities in the future, the sooner the parents can determine his inclinations. Of course, it's great if a child, like Mozart, composes music from the age of 5 - everything is clear here. But how can this be done if the baby's talent does not lie on the surface?

How to determine the inclinations of a child
How to determine the inclinations of a child


Step 1

At an early age, the interests of the baby are just beginning to form, so talking with the child about what he likes to do and what does not will do little. It is also very difficult to define a "humanities" kid or a "techie". Cases when inclinations have been identified in a preschooler are very rare. During this period, most children enjoy doing a variety of things. Of course, you can talk about musical or artistic talent, artistry, if your child sings or draws well. But, as a rule, it is possible to determine the child's propensity for some kind of activity not earlier than the time when the child's psyche goes into adolescence. Before that, try to develop your baby in all directions. The harmonious development of the child in the future will help you determine his inclinations, and he himself will make the right choice.

Step 2

Considering the age of the baby, expand the range of his interests as much as possible. All children are born with potential inclinations for any kind of activity, i.e. capable of anything. Your task is to help develop these abilities. And here it is not so important to teach a baby to read and count at three years old. He will learn this anyway. He needs basic, general development. Communicate with the baby as much as possible, take him on excursions, to the theater. Teach him to give detailed answers to questions, speak beautifully, retell. When reading a fairy tale to him, ask how he himself would have acted in the place of different heroes. Encourage the creative endeavors of the baby in every way. Hang sheets of Whatman paper on the walls of the room so that the baby draws, sculpt from plasticine, build sand castles on the riverbank or in a sandbox, collect different constructors.

Step 3

Observe what toys your little one likes to play and how he plays with them. Play different games and see which one he likes best. Role-play more often. Tell your child about different professions. Give your child the opportunity to imagine himself in the game as a teacher, doctor, astronaut, etc. Arrange for him a small educational excursion to your place of work. Buy different games for your kid "Young Chemist", "Hairdresser", "Doctor", a microscope, a set of children's musical instruments, etc. Let these be your "strategic" purchases. Enroll your baby in the sports section of his choice.

Step 4

As your toddler gets older (at school age), try making a list for yourself to help determine his or her ability to perform different activities. For example, a child inclined to engage in scientific work:

- reads a lot, including popular science publications;

- accurately and clearly knows how to express their thoughts;

- learns abstract concepts well;

- can accurately record what he hears, fix what he saw;

- tries to find out the meaning and causes of various events;

- spends a lot of time designing.

A child's literary ability is expressed in his ability to:

- easily, consistently build a story, tell about something;

- when telling, discard everything insignificant, leaving the most important;

- to bring something unusual, new, telling about something known and familiar to everyone;

- choose words in your story that well convey the feelings and emotional mood of the characters;

- to convey details that are important for understanding the event;

- write poetry and stories.

Technical ability helps the child:

- easily complete manual labor tasks;

- to understand mechanisms and machines, to design them (aircraft models, models of trains, cars, etc.);

- it is easy to repair broken appliances, use old parts to create new toys, crafts, appliances;

- draw sketches and drawings and mechanisms.

A child with intellectual abilities:

- easily and quickly grasps everything in the classroom;

- argues clearly, not getting confused in thoughts;

- uses his knowledge in practice in everyday situations;

- can capture the connection between cause and effect, one event and another;

- quickly, without special memorization, remembers what he read and heard;

- has an extensive vocabulary;

- likes to read books that are usually of interest to children a year or two older;

- can solve complex tasks requiring mental effort;

- asks many questions to adults on various topics;

- offers unexpected solutions, answers, thinks in an original way.

Artistic abilities are expressed in a child:

- in easy entry into the role of another person;

- understanding and the ability to play well any dramatic situation, conflict;

- in the accurate transmission of feelings and emotions through gestures, facial expressions, movements;

- in an effort to evoke emotional reactions in his listeners when he tells something with enthusiasm.

Of course, you can supplement this far from complete list of all the features of your child's behavior.
