Sometimes it seems that the female share is too difficult to be proud of. Russian sayings compare women to chickens and limit the Indian age to forty years, and modern realities sometimes require a lady to have outstanding abilities for survival. So what are the advantages of the weaker sex?

Step 1
The right to do stupid things justly belongs to the fair sex. If men are not forgiven for elementary mistakes when driving a car, then ladies can easily get away with this. Blondes, what can you take from them!
Step 2
Girls don't have to go to college just to get a respite from the army. Thus, they have much more freedom to choose their future profession in comparison with the guys who are forced to reckon with compulsory military service.
Step 3
According to statistics, women live longer than men. The female hormonal system, among other things, protects the heart from overload. In general, ladies are much more attentive to their health, because nature tells them to save themselves to reproduce and take care of offspring.
Step 4
It is believed that female sexual feelings are not as strong as that of men. In other words, life on a desert island without the opportunity to have sex is unlikely to drive a lady crazy. But a macho in such a situation is unlikely to be able to maintain his composure.
Step 5
A woman can give life. Of course, this process is impossible without a man, but the brightest emotional experience - the birth of a child is available only to the beautiful half of humanity. No matter how sensitive a man is, he will never understand what motherhood is.
Step 6
Feminism has conquered prejudice. A woman can make a brilliant career, then everyone will respect her for the fact that in the rough male world she was able to achieve success. But nothing prevents the lady from remaining a simple housewife, and in this field she can earn public approval.
Step 7
But the main advantage of a woman is that a man cannot imagine life without her. And even if centuries pass, social standards change, a woman can always remain a coveted princess, for whose favor the most worthy knights are ready to fight.