How To Raise A Son

How To Raise A Son
How To Raise A Son

Table of contents:


Upbringing is a very responsible work that requires patience, knowledge, and the ability to find an approach to children from adults. In addition to general principles, there are also peculiarities in working with boys and girls. Parents need to take these subtleties into account in education at every stage of a child's development in order to raise a full-fledged member of society.

How to raise a son
How to raise a son


Step 1

There are no fundamental differences in the upbringing of boys and girls from birth. The crumbs learn the same world around them, walk, smile. Under the age of one year, an emotional connection with their mother is very important for children. Dad, in order not to stand aside, needs to pay as much attention to the baby as possible.

Step 2

The prevailing stereotype that boys will be "mother's sons" if excessive boundless tenderness, care and affection is shown towards them is wrong. There is never much love either for daughters or for sons. The child must feel your love for correct mental development and the formation of a positive attitude towards the world around him. Do not feel sorry for emotions for a positive example of the relationship between dad and mom. When a boy goes to kindergarten, there he gets his first experience in communicating with members of the opposite sex. Your son will not have a negative attitude towards girls if he is brought up in a family where love, harmony and mutual understanding reign.

Step 3

From about 4 to 14 years of age, masculinity develops. If before this age boys could play with girls in a hairdresser, doctor, cafe, etc., now they prefer cars, weapons, road building and similar "male" games. At this age, fathers come first for sons. Boys try to imitate them in everything: they copy their demeanor, speech. The dad needs to strictly monitor his behavior in the presence of his son. Mothers, however, can often hear from boys of this age such an answer to any request: "I'm not a girl, I won't do it." To make this less common, establish contact with your son. Talk to him more often on topics of concern to him, ask about how his day went, show that you are not indifferent to his life, that you respect his interests.

Step 4

Pay attention to your son even when it seems to you that he has already grown. Adolescence is the time when a boy becomes a young man. There are not only physical changes, but also mental ones. It is at this time that your son needs your attention so much. Do not turn away from him, take an interest in his life, otherwise he will try to attract your attention with fights, bad behavior at school. Make it clear that loving, caring, and controlling your son's life can be done without over-nurturing. The more you forbid something to the child, repeat the same teachings, the more he will oppose them. But a permissive style of communication will not lead to anything good either. Therefore, find a middle ground: be close, but at a distance.

Step 5

Assess the child's actions objectively. If he's wrong, admit it. Your son needs to know when he’s doing the right thing and when he’s not. Otherwise, he will think that everything is possible for him, that mom or dad will come, and the situation will be settled. Praise when the child deserves it, and deal with mistakes when they are.

Step 6

A child should not be afraid of his parents in order to obey, but respect them. Do not scold your son if he has done some negative act. Calmly discuss the situation together so that the child can see what he did wrong, what he should have done, and whether the mistake can be corrected. So the son will trust you and consult you. This means that you will be aware of his life, which comes far from your eyes.

Step 7

Don't adhere to the "Boys don't cry" principle. This will teach your child to feel. A son can grow up to be a tough person who is completely unfamiliar with simple human emotions. In addition, it has been proven that the lack of expression of feelings can shorten life. What a person experiences at every moment of life accumulates, affecting the nervous, and then other systems of the body.

Step 8

It is impossible to re-educate a son at the age of 18, you will see the end result of your labor. Therefore, spare no time and effort in raising a child in order to be proud of him in the future.
