The father and mother who had a boy want him to grow up as a real man. That is, he became brave, strong, responsible, hardworking. So that he can rightfully be considered hope, support, protection in his own family when he creates it. At the same time, parents dream that their offspring will always remain a good son: loving, caring, attentive. These are understandable and natural desires, only they do not always come true. Much here depends on upbringing.

Step 1
Unfortunately, there are a lot of mistakes in the upbringing of boys. This happens for many reasons: due to the crisis of the institution of the family, due to the belittling of the role of men in modern society, etc. Therefore, remember that in no case should you raise a boy as a girl. It is difficult even to imagine a more gross mistake. Alas, it is precisely her that single mothers often admit. They, with perseverance worthy of better use, literally "strangle" in their sons any manifestations of a masculine character: independence, activity. And then they themselves are indignant: "And how did he just grow up like this?"
Step 2
Try to always and in everything be an example for your son. Remember that the child, like a sponge, literally absorbs everything that he sees and hears. For example, a father explains to his son that he must be respectful and polite to the girls, and immediately, because of some trifle, he rudely yells at his mother. How much good is the father's correct words? The effect will be the opposite: the boy decides that adults cannot be trusted.
Step 3
Remember that aggressiveness is genetically characteristic of any boy, even the most calm and well-mannered. After all, the man was originally a hunter, a breadwinner. If you, for example, found out that your son had a fight, you should not immediately scold him, demand a solemn promise that he will never fight again. At a minimum, first calmly figure out what caused everything in general. Maybe he only defended himself or stood up for the girl who was offended in front of him. In this case, praise your son.
Step 4
However, fight over-aggressiveness. Instill in your son that force should be used only when it is really necessary. A reasonable person will try to make do with words.
Step 5
Teach the boy to work from an early age. Try to find him something feasible to do around the house, but without coercion. Instead, explain how important his help is to mom and dad, praise, not skimping on kind words: "You are so clever, so diligent!" Encourage him to do something in every possible way. Even if at first it does not work out as it should, it is important that he himself wanted.
Step 6
In a word, always treat your son with reasonable demands, but never give him any reason to doubt that you love him very much. Then he will almost certainly grow up good!