Every woman dreams of making a real man out of her son. And at the same time, every woman in her heart is sure that all men around her, without exception, are far from ideal, to say the least. The inconsistency turns out. After all, the mothers of each of these men dreamed of making them "real". What's the matter, and how to raise boys properly?

Step 1
First, the understanding of a real man is different for every woman. Someone loves strong, courageous and fearless men, others appreciate good manners and nobility, others - a sharp mind, fourth - a sense of humor and the ability to enjoy life. Think about what qualities you want to see in your son, how much they will make him happy in the future and help him succeed.
Step 2
Once you've identified the qualities you want to cultivate, think about the means to achieve your goal. Just like that, out of nowhere, courage and good manners do not appear. You must gradually, day after day, and year after year, strengthen them in your boy. Understand that asking to become such and such is completely useless.
Step 3
Raising a child is most effective with examples from life. If you want to make the boy kind, gently and unobtrusively draw his attention to all the good deeds that people close to you do. Let the child see the kindness around, even in the little things: how a neighbor takes care of her beloved dog, how a mother helps the baby to take the first steps, how an attentive grandson supports his elderly grandfather. People around you do a lot of things, and each one reveals some trait of their character. Draw the child's attention to those actions that are dictated by the good qualities of a person.
Step 4
Books will also help you raise your son. Reading books to the boy about noble knights, wise thinkers, brave travelers, you offer your son an example to follow. Having admired the hero of his favorite book, the kid will try to imitate him in everything. The same goes for cartoons. Pay close attention to what your toddler is watching on TV to avoid exposure. Many modern cartoons make children cruel, selfish, greedy.
Step 5
Give generous encouragement to the good deeds your son does, even if they are minor. Having received praise for a good deed, the boy will understand that doing good deeds is not only useful, but also very pleasant. Tell loved ones about your boy's good deeds in his presence, he will be proud of himself and rejoice. Of course, there is no need to over-praise, but you cannot leave a good deed without praise.
Step 6
And, perhaps most importantly, become the best example for your child yourself. So, rude people will never instill good manners in their children, unclean people will not make children neat. Your baby will gradually become a reflection of yourself. Let him see that his parents are good people who love him and are ready to support him in everything. In a harmonious family, a real man will surely grow from a boy!