Private Kindergarten

Private Kindergarten
Private Kindergarten

Which kindergarten should I send my child to? This question is asked by many parents. Lucky for those who have a kindergarten not far from home and manage to arrange a baby there. But this is not always the case. Now in Russia it has become very popular to open private gardens. What is it, and is it necessary to send a child there?


Features of a private kindergarten

A private kindergarten is usually a 3-4-room apartment or a private house. A children's room, a playroom and a dining room are being set up on its territory. The teacher is often the owner of the premises. Among the children there are also her children. The group is recruited up to 6 people.

When applying for such a garden, it is necessary to clarify whether additional teachers will participate in education. One person can not always fully give all the necessary program to children. And attracting someone from the outside is not always possible due to financial issues. This is important to learn so that children develop fully.

In a private kindergarten, there must be a person in charge of nutrition. There are no quality commissions, as in municipal kindergartens, but if the teacher also takes responsibility for the kitchen, then the children will be unattended for some time. It is unacceptable.

Pros and cons of a private kindergarten

Usually, there is no special playground near the house, only an ordinary nursery, where all young residents are taken out for a walk. Unlimited territory increases the possibility of injury and accidents.

But on the other hand, in a small kindergarten, the child is in a cozy, home environment. If a private kindergarten is properly equipped, then children will be happy to spend time in it. And in a small group, viral diseases are less common. With a small number of participants, your child will get sick much less often.

In groups of 20, it is impossible to give enough attention to everyone. In small ones, they undergo individual training, there is an approach to each child. This attitude forms individuality, and this is also quite significant.

The private garden has a more flexible schedule. Parents decide together at what time they will bring and pick up their children. You can also agree that the baby will spend 2-3 hours more in the garden on some day, and sometimes he can stay for a day. This is very convenient for parents with irregular schedules.

Private gardens differ in payment. Somewhere it is more than in municipalities, somewhere less. Each of them declares this individually.

Sending a child to a private kindergarten is convenient and difficult to argue with. But you should always remember that most of these institutions in Russia are not licensed. Accordingly, according to the law, no one is responsible for your child. Be careful, because everything depends only on the responsibility of the teacher. Choose quality seats for your little ones.
