Private Kindergarten Or Public? Pros And Cons

Private Kindergarten Or Public? Pros And Cons
Private Kindergarten Or Public? Pros And Cons

What to do when, after the birth of a child, it would be time to go to work, but there is no one to leave the baby with? Many parents in such a situation are trying to make a choice between private and public kindergartens.

Private kindergarten or public? Pros and cons
Private kindergarten or public? Pros and cons

The construction of kindergartens is going on everywhere, but no matter how many places are created in them, their number is still insufficient. The Labor Code provides for a three-year maternity leave for a parent who is caring for a child, with the preservation of the place of work. However, three years, no matter how long it may seem, someday come to an end, it's time to go to work, and a place in kindergarten may not be foreseen.

If it is impossible to delay going to work longer, parents try to find a good nanny or a private kindergarten. Each of these options has both pros and cons. However, a public kindergarten, in comparison with a private one, has both advantages and disadvantages.

State kindergarten

To get a place in kindergarten, you must get in line immediately after the baby is born. Compared to private kindergartens, the payment for a child's stay in a public institution is low. This, of course, is a plus, but educators do not have to expect a good salary, so good qualified teachers are rare there.

In groups, there are often 20-25 children (sometimes more). Such a number of pupils impairs both the quality of childcare and the benefits of extracurricular activities. As many believe, it is precisely because of the overcrowding of kindergarten groups that pupils often get sick. Because of this, parents are forced to take sick leave, and at the same time, one can not count on a good attitude of the employer.

Another inconvenience is that the child should be picked up from the state kindergarten before 6 pm.

If the parents' working day ends later than in kindergarten, they have to take time off in order to pick up the baby on time. It also does not improve the relationship with the employer. You can also hire a person who will pick up the child, take him home and wait for the adults from work, which makes such a plus of state kindergartens as low wages into nothing.

Private kindergarten

In a private kindergarten, the payment for attendance will be much higher than in a public one. But this does not diminish the popularity of commercial kindergartens. Of course, parents choose such groups for different motives - someone thinks that the child will be given more attention there, someone is simply unlucky with a place in a state institution.

In a small group, which are usually the collectives of private kindergartens, children are easier to control. The opening hours can be different, and in some places you can simply agree on an additional fee to pick up the child later.

If the parents' working day is irregular, then a private kindergarten can be just a salvation - there you can often agree to leave the child with an overnight stay, bring him on the weekend and know that he will be given sufficient attention.

Parents, however, need to take into account the following factors: a private kindergarten is much less amenable to government control. Private traders are not responsible for the pupils, and this circumstance overlaps the advantages of commercial childcare institutions.
