A baby is considered a newborn during the first four weeks of its life. During this period, important changes take place in the physical and mental development of the baby, due to his adaptation to an independent extrauterine life. In this case, the beginning of a newborn's life begins from the moment the blood circulation in the umbilical cord vessels stops.

Step 1
Immediately after birth, the cellular composition of the blood begins to change with the replacement of fetal hemoglobin with a more mature one. It allows you to fully meet the increased needs of the body for oxygen, deliver the necessary nutrients to the organs. Thermoregulation turns on, but due to its imperfection, it can malfunction. Therefore, it is important not to wrap up the child and not let him freeze.
Step 2
On the first day, meconium is excreted from the intestine. By the end of the first week, the stool becomes milky. On the third or fourth day of life, there is a slight loss of body weight. This is due to the baby's transition to new metabolic conditions. By the same time, the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off. In its place, a wound is formed, which will heal on average in two to three weeks.
Step 3
In the second week, feces turn yellow, and bowel movements decrease from 8 times to 3-4. At this time, the child is allowed to be taken out into the street. By the 14th day of its life, the newborn begins to respond to sounds. Other organs are also being improved. The kid is trying to keep a large bright toy in sight.
Step 4
In the third week, the baby can already firmly grasp the parents' fingers while lying on his back. Lying on his stomach, the child tries to hold his head. Despite the fact that all the movements of the child are not yet coordinated, they are no longer so chaotic. He deliberately turns his head, examines the surrounding space. In case of unfamiliar sounds, the newborn freezes and listens. He begins to demand attention or feeding with loud crying. The child begins to look into the eyes, calms down when a new object appears in the field of vision.
Step 5
In the fourth week, the sucking reflex comes to the fore. The child has already been holding his head for a short time, looking at the world around him with pleasure. At this stage, a "revitalization complex" occurs: the baby begins to recognize the mother, and the first smile appears on the affectionate treatment. The intonation of an adult is of particular importance for a child.