How To Develop A Newborn

How To Develop A Newborn
How To Develop A Newborn

Table of contents:


Active interested communication with a child from the first days of his life is a guarantee of friendship and mutual understanding between children and parents. Do not neglect this simple truth, even if it seems to you that the child is very small and does not understand anything, that it is not worth spending words on him - this is not so. Children who grow up in baby homes can serve as a sad illustration - they are fed, bathed, swaddled, treated if necessary, but no one speaks to them. As a result, the difference between "domestic" and "state" children becomes very noticeable already by the age of one …

How to develop a newborn
How to develop a newborn


Step 1

It is necessary to develop the newborn constantly - during eating and bathing, playing and even relaxing. From the first month, train the baby's attention: show him the toy, move it from side to side so that the child watches it with his eyes, and talk - call him by name, tell him what a beautiful toy, what color, what is the name.

Step 2

While bathing, comment on all your actions - how warm and clean the water is, how good it is to swim in it, what clean hands and feet the baby will have. Do not be afraid to sing a lullaby to your child before bedtime, even if he falls asleep well and so - you will not spoil him or spoil him, but the ear for music will develop from the first days of life.

Step 3

Do not hang too many toys over the crib or stroller - the child's attention is scattered, and he will not be able to really study them. One is enough so that the baby can reach it, turn it around, even fall asleep in the mouth: for babies, touch is one of the most important tools for learning about the world. The toys must of course be clean. After the toy has already been studied and tired, replace it with another one.

Step 4

Physically developing a newborn is just as important as mentally. While swimming, it is very useful to put your palm under the feet of the child so that he pushes off with his legs - these are, one might say, his first exercises in the pool. The same exercise can be repeated when holding the baby vertically in your arms - place your palm under his legs so that he rests and repels.

Step 5

In between feedings, do exercises with the baby: - The baby lies on the back. Take his arms, carefully spread them apart, then cross them on your chest. Repeat several times.

- Gently bend the baby's legs at the knees, while spreading them apart. This exercise develops the baby's hip joints and stimulates the bowel movement.

- From the second month, lay the baby on the tummy for a few seconds, gradually increasing the time. This strengthens the spine and, again, improves digestion.

Step 6

Remember: the health and development of your baby is in your hands.
