How To Develop A Child's Speech With Simple Exercises

How To Develop A Child's Speech With Simple Exercises
How To Develop A Child's Speech With Simple Exercises

The child's speech begins to form at a very early age. For this process to proceed smoothly, parents need to be involved as well. Thanks to the efforts of mom and dad, as well as little tricks, you can easily and imperceptibly develop the child's speech so that in the future he can communicate well with others and clearly express his thoughts.

There are several ways to develop a child's speech
There are several ways to develop a child's speech

Where to begin

As trite as it may sound, start with yourself. Parents are a speech standard for a child. Pay close attention to what, when and how you say it. Start communicating with your baby at an early age. Show and tell about everything around. What objects surround the child, how they are arranged. Tell us about the phenomena of weather and nature, about animals and loved ones. But do not get too carried away with scientific terminology or confused phrases, use simple colloquial speech.

Necessary helpers

The main assistant for the development of a child's speech is books. First, these are baby books with large pictures. Consider them together with the child, pronounce everything that is drawn there. Then move from the names of animals and objects to the sounds they make. Gradually, the child himself will point to the picture and make the necessary sound. For example, accompany a picture of a cat with the onomatopoeia "meow". The kid will be happy to help you.

Don't give up on smart assistants - modern gadgets. However, it is worth making a reservation here: use them in dosage and wisely. You should not give your child a tablet with cartoons and forget about it for an hour and a half. Contrary to your expectations, your favorite characters will not teach your child to speak, as they do not require dialogue. There are special educational programs for toddlers that are created to develop the speech of preschool children, use them better.

Smart programs help to develop the child's speech
Smart programs help to develop the child's speech

Special games and exercises

An important role in the development of a child's speech is played by the formation of the speech apparatus. Games and simple exercises help it to form correctly. For example, the game "Captain". Collect water in a basin and launch paper boats there. Blow on them. The winner is the one who is the first to bring his ship from one end of the basin to the other. Another fun and easy hit the target game. Attach a light ball to a paper funnel. Invite your baby to blow the balloon into the center of the funnel. Such games help the development of speech breathing and keep the child occupied for a long time, giving parents a little respite.

Fine motor skills as a means of developing speech

It has been scientifically proven that the development of fine motor skills of the hands directly affects the development of a child's speech. The better the baby is able to interact with small objects, holding them with his fingers, the better his speech is formed. For motor skills, you can use both special toys (bodyboards, sensory mats) and improvised means. An excellent effect is given by the so-called "Cinderella game", when the child goes through different types of cereals. Just in no case leave your baby unattended for such an activity!

Playing with croup and small objects helps to develop the child's speech
Playing with croup and small objects helps to develop the child's speech

Talk to your child, open the world to him through communication. Then the development of speech will not become a difficult necessity, but a fun activity that brings great success.
