What Can A Child Under The Age Of 1 Year Cough Up

What Can A Child Under The Age Of 1 Year Cough Up
What Can A Child Under The Age Of 1 Year Cough Up

Childhood coughs give parents good reason to panic. Especially if it is a cough in an infant. Although cough is a defense mechanism of the body and was created by nature to cleanse the bronchi, pharynx and trachea from germs, dust and fumes, it also serves as a symptom of various diseases. Therefore, when it appears, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Baby with dad
Baby with dad

A baby's cough is not only a sign of a cold, but also a symptom of many other painful conditions - allergies, heart problems, and even helminthiasis. If it occurs, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor, or go to the hospital. Self-medication can be life-threatening for a child.

Safe cough medicines for children 1 year and older

Currently, there are a number of medications for infants that are most commonly prescribed by pediatricians. They are mucolytic agents that help thin the phlegm in the lungs. These drugs include ambroxol. It is prescribed to infants in the form of a syrup and given in a reduced dose. The drug is effective for wet coughs.

Lazolvan is usually taken by inhalation or syrup. Its action is similar to that of Ambroxol.

Another remedy sold in the pharmacy is licorice root. This herbal medicine is produced in syrup and is one of the safest and most beneficial, with minimal contraindications.

However, it should be remembered that the choice of the drug, its dose and the duration of treatment must be prescribed by a competent physician.

Treatment of cough in infants with folk remedies

As an alternative to traditional medicine and its not always safe drugs, there are folk recipes based on centuries of experience and have proven their effectiveness.

One of the recipes is a decoction of coltsfoot and plantain. A dry mixture of these herbs is sold at the pharmacy or prepared in advance. To prepare the broth, you will need two tablespoons of a 50/50 mixture of herbs. The herbs are poured with boiling water (0.5 liters) and allowed to brew for two hours. You need to take no more than a third of the glass before meals three times a day.

Licorice root combined with elecampane and marshmallow is also an excellent remedy. The roots of the herbs are mixed in equal proportions, pre-chopped. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with cooled boiled water (0.5 liters) and insisted for eight hours. The method of taking the broth is three times a day before meals, one third of a glass.

Eucalyptus oil has general tonic properties, clears the airways and is very effective for inhalation, rubbing and massage.

In addition to these remedies, it is recommended to bathe a small child in various herbal infusions and decoctions. Some of the best herbs for this are chamomile and thyme. They help the fragile body of a small child to recover and help to strengthen his immunity.

Noticing that the child began to cough and after consulting a pediatrician, you can combine the achievements of modern medicine with folk remedies. But it is much better to take care of the prevention of diseases in advance, because it is quite rightly said that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure.
