What Cough Syrup Can A Child Of 7 Months

What Cough Syrup Can A Child Of 7 Months
What Cough Syrup Can A Child Of 7 Months

Children, especially children under one year old, have not yet fully developed their own immunity. Therefore, they are very susceptible to colds. They are almost always accompanied by a cough. If a child is sick, it needs to be properly treated.

What cough syrup can a child of 7 months
What cough syrup can a child of 7 months

Onset of the disease

At the first symptom of a cold, you should contact your pediatrician. The child is very small, and he himself cannot say what and how it hurts. Therefore, in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, you need a specialist consultation, in some cases you should be tested.


A cough is a forced exhalation that occurs due to muscle contraction due to irritation of the receptors. Or, in other words, it is a protective reaction of the body designed to clear the respiratory tract of bacteria, viruses and mucus. The cough can be dry or wet. With a dry cough, sputum does not go away, it is characterized by a paroxysmal character, sometimes with a whistle, mainly appears at night. A wet cough produces phlegm. Usually, with colds, phlegm begins to pass away only after a few days.

Before you run to the pharmacy for a cough syrup for your little child, you need to identify the type of cough, "dry" or "wet". The choice of syrup and its effectiveness depend on this.

Treatment of cough in children under one year old

Since the body of a child is different from that of an adult, the dose and contraindications must be taken into account when treating with drugs. Since not all drugs have been tested in children, age restrictions are indicated in the instructions.

Syrup or drops

Many cough suppressants for children come in two dosage forms: drops and syrup. They have the same active ingredients. They differ only in the presence of sugar and the amount of consumption at one time. A one-time intake of syrup is 5-15 ml, and drops - 3-15 drops. Parents themselves choose what is more convenient for them to water their children.

Baby syrups

Herbs are believed to be safer than synthetic substances. This is because they are natural. It is better to start treatment with them, the only thing is that some herbs can cause allergies. But there are many synthetic medicines for the treatment of coughs in children that a baby can safely take as a treatment.

If your child is allergic, choose herbal syrups with caution. To begin with, choose monocomponent syrups or those that include no more than three herbs.

Their assortment is very large.

With a dry cough:

- Dr. Mom

- Gedelix (also possible when wet)

- Sinekod

- Prospan

With a wet cough:

- Licorice syrup

- Lazolvan for children (applies from 0)

- Erespal

- Bronchipret

- Stopussin Fito
