How To Teach A Child To Porridge

How To Teach A Child To Porridge
How To Teach A Child To Porridge

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Bread and porridge are our food. So spoke our ancestors, who lived in Russia during the reign of the tsars. And it turns out that they said it for a reason Any porridge: buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, and so on is really very useful. It contains a lot of nutrients needed by the body, especially children. Moreover, porridge is the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. The only problem that can arise in connection with the daily intake of porridge is children's protests. How to teach a child to porridge?

How to teach a child to porridge
How to teach a child to porridge


Step 1

Don't forget variety. Do not give children the same porridge every day. For example, let it be millet today, oatmeal tomorrow, rice porridge the day after tomorrow, and so on. Try to give your child the opportunity to choose the type of porridge, but do not replace it with another dish.

Step 2

As a rule, barely hearing, for example, about oatmeal porridge, we imagine something stringy, not very pretty and dietary. Do not create such a persistent visual image of herculean and any other porridge in a child. May it always be beautifully served at the table. Try to avoid recipes that make the dish healthy, but not very tasty. Remember, any porridge can always be cooked deliciously! So prepare it as if it is the main dish of the festive table.

Step 3

Also, do not serve porridge on the table to the child, and at this moment, in front of his eyes, gobble up by both cheeks, for example, beautiful and fragrant veal chops or other enticing dish. Of course, a small child will also want to taste your dish. After all, he does not understand that his infant ventricle is simply not able to cope with such food. Therefore, eat porridge with your child. By the way, it will always be useful for adults too. Let the porridge enter the diet of all family members, and not be exclusively baby food. Then it will be easier to deal with whims.

Step 4

And, finally, if the child categorically refuses to eat porridge, occasionally allow the replacement of this dish with something else, but on the condition that he will eat it the next day. Thus, you can teach the child to porridge without noticing it. Without it, the child will no longer imagine his daily diet. The main thing is that the porridge is cooked deliciously and with love.
