Semolina porridge is familiar to many since childhood. And if you still properly prepare it, adding notes of good mood, you can get an invaluable gift in the form of surprise and a smile of your child. Such a breakfast will help the child to keep satiated longer and give vigor in the first half of the day.

- - metal plate with a capacity of 250 ml (or the smallest saucepan)
- - 1 tbsp. l. semolina
- - 1 tsp Sahara
- - a pinch of salt
- - 200 ml of milk 2.5% fat
- - 50 ml of water
- - 3 berries of black currant
- - 1 tbsp. l. raspberry jam
- - 1 tbsp. l. butter
Step 1
Pour milk and water into a bowl. Water is needed to keep the milk from escaping. Set the fire to maximum. Cooking semolina requires constant presence, so don't go anywhere. The cooking process itself will take 10-15 minutes. Prepare a larger container in advance, put it in the kitchen sink and fill it with ice water. In it, the porridge will cool down after cooking.
Step 2
Wait for the milk to warm up well. It is not necessary to bring it to a boil. Turn the heat to medium and season with salt. While stirring, add a tablespoon of semolina and a teaspoon of sugar. Continue stirring slowly until the porridge is at the consistency you want. Note that semolina tends to thicken even after being removed from heat.
Step 3
Using a tea towel or mittens to avoid scalding, take a plate of porridge and place it in a container of cold water. While stirring the porridge, add a tablespoon of oil. In cold water, a plate of porridge should be held for 5-7 minutes so that the temperature becomes comfortable for eating.
Step 4
Children love the elements of the game, so in the end, decorate the porridge with berries and jam in the form of a cute face. Make eyes and a nose from the berries, and draw a smile with jam. In addition to black currant, you can use any other dark-colored berry, and instead of raspberry jam, any red jam. Serve the white loaf sandwiches with curd cheese to the porridge. Make herbal tea and invite your child to breakfast.
Step 5
If you don't want to stand at the stove, cook semolina in a slow cooker. Pour half a measuring cup of semolina, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt into the multicooker bowl. Pour in five measuring cups of milk, add a tablespoon of butter and turn on the Milk Porridge mode. The execution time of this program is 30 minutes.
Step 6
Don't panic if there is no milk. It is not necessary to run to the store early in the morning for this ingredient. A tablespoon of condensed milk or three tablespoons of milk powder diluted in 250 ml of water can replace milk. Sugar in the case of condensed milk does not need to be added.
Step 7
Get your child involved in making semolina. Put a robe on him and let him do the simple steps. For example, pour cold water to cool the porridge in it, or wash the berries. Tell your child about the benefits of semolina for the stomach. You can also show that semolina can not only be boiled, it can also be painted. To do this, pour some semolina into a flat plastic plate in a bright color. Have the child draw with his fingers. So you will develop the baby's fine motor skills, and increase the interest in semolina.