How To Redeem A Child

How To Redeem A Child
How To Redeem A Child

Table of contents:


Bathing your baby is not an easy task. He seems so fragile and tiny, which is why many parents are very afraid of this important procedure. Despite all this, bathing is a wonderful occasion for close communication between parents and their baby. It also contributes to the well-being of the baby, prevents the appearance of skin diseases, diaper rash, improves appetite, and gives the baby a sound and healthy sleep.

How to redeem a child
How to redeem a child


  • - a bath with a slide and warm water;
  • - a decoction of a string or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • - foam for bathing;
  • - bathing sponge.


Step 1

Before you start swimming, prepare all the essentials and try not to forget anything.

Step 2

Use a plastic baby bath for bathing. Purchase a special stand for it in advance - a slide. It will help support your baby while bathing and will greatly facilitate this work for you. Before bathing, rinse the bath well and rinse with hot water.

Step 3

Then pre-fill the bath with warm water and be sure to check its temperature. To do this, use a special thermometer. Bathing your baby in clean boiled water with an optimum temperature of thirty-six degrees Celsius. Add a solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of herbs to the water. Place a bowl of water next to the bathtub to rinse your baby so that you have everything ready.

Step 4

The best option for swimming is considered to be an infusion of a series. To prepare it, pour half a glass of the string in advance with one liter of boiling water and let it infuse for ten minutes. Then strain the broth through cheesecloth and add to the bath.

Step 5

If you are using potassium permanganate, then first dissolve it in a separate container with warm water and make sure that all the crystals dissolve. Then add the solution to the bath. Water with dissolved potassium permanganate should be pale pink in color.

Step 6

Try not to use soap to bathe your baby. It can cause dry skin, itching, irritation, and sometimes an allergic reaction. Take your baby's bathing choice seriously. It is best to buy various herbal foams at the pharmacy.

Step 7

Holding your hands, carefully place the baby on the slide in the bath. Take a sponge, detergent and lightly lather the crumbs with light movements. Use a scoop to pour water over it carefully and be careful not to get water in the eyes, mouth, or ears. Then gently turn the baby over onto the tummy and repeat the soaping procedure again.

Step 8

After bathing, rinse your baby with clean water and wrap in a warm towel. Then wipe it off well, smear all the folds with baby oil and quickly change.

Step 9

To accustom the baby to the regimen, swim at the same time. Bathe your baby in the evening before the last feed. After bathing, he will quickly calm down and sleep more soundly throughout the night.
