Unfortunately, in our world everything cannot be smooth. Even the most loving partners and ideal families go through a period when, for some reason, the relationship between husband and wife begins to deteriorate. And once a happy marriage begins to crumble. A woman or a man begins to be dissatisfied with the behavior or certain actions of their partner.

Step 1
In the family, misunderstanding reigns, a man begins to humiliate and call names a woman. How to be? After all, this means that he has already ceased to respect his life partner, love and tenderness have passed. Out of resentment, some women begin to scream, throw tantrums, while others cry into their pillows. So what can be done?
Step 2
There is one condition: the relationship can be returned only if the feelings still remain, and there is an inherent desire to save the family.
Step 3
Shouting and calling names in response, continuing to express your discontent will only exacerbate the conflict situation. You can threaten to leave and leave, only this decision should be deliberate, because if you say, but do not leave, the husband will no longer take your words seriously. Alternatively, you can cry, complain about life in the hope that your husband will calm you down. Of course, it will be so, but it will not solve the problem.
Step 4
First of all, you need to find out how this whole conflict began, what exactly does not suit you in your partner, perhaps something needs to be changed in yourself, because not only the husband is to blame for everything.
Step 5
You can improve relationships with love and respect on your part, be above these insults, do not succumb to provocations, make your spouse think, is he doing everything right? Let him be ashamed of the fact that he does not appreciate and offend such a caring and loving wife. Charge your home with positive energy, because from the constant accumulation of negativity, no one will be better.
Step 6
Show respect for your partner, treat everything more calmly. If you have been together for a long time, it is clear that you have accumulated a lot of mutual claims, grievances, disappointments. Therefore, you need to create an atmosphere that will be comfortable for both of you. As you figure out a relationship, if you see more positive things, then set your spouse in the same way. Then each of you will be able to realize your mistakes without making it an even bigger problem.
Step 7
You can try to exchange positive emotions and good relationships with your husband. Discuss the points that are uncomfortable for you and what you would like to receive from your spouse. Remember the past, when everything was like in a fairy tale, when there were no problems yet.
Step 8
Dedicate your free time to each other. Do not be afraid to give, because in return you will receive what you want.