In psychology, several types of attention are distinguished. External - attention that reacts to the outside world. Inner attention is drawn to one's own thoughts and emotions. Attention is controlled (voluntary) and involuntary - arising spontaneously, as a reaction to a bright external event.

- knowledge of educational games,
- consultation with a child psychologist,
- toys that develop attention,
Step 1
Increase the amount of attention with a simple game. Lay out several objects on the table, let the baby look at them for a while, pick them up, tell them what it is used for (why do we need a watch, a pen, a button). If the child does not know some of the items, explain to him their purpose. Give him no more than five minutes to do this. Cover the items with a thick cloth and ask your toddler to list the items they have memorized. Lift the fabric and with him check what he missed and what he named. Repeat the game until the child has named all the items. First, take 10 things. Then complicate the game by increasing the number of items.
Step 2
Develop your baby's concentration. To do this, engage in more activities with him that require concentration. For example, sculpt funny characters from plasticine, draw, collect mosaics, but at the same time, for example, turn on music in the room. Complicate the task: turn on the radio. Let the kid listen to a fairy tale or an interesting children's radio program while playing cars. Make the sound louder, and return the child to the main activity if he begins to be distracted.
Step 3
Teach your toddler to shift attention from one activity to another. This way you can avoid distraction. To do this, suggest moving from one game to another. Or from playing to household chores (give your kid a little housework - wipe the dishes, water the flower, clean up his room).
Step 4
Play attention-building games with your toddler. For example, use interesting training for younger students. Give your child some text (a page from a magazine, newspaper, or book). Have him find all the letters "o" in this text and circle them in green pencil. Then - all the "l" and outline them in red pencil. With the help of such games, the child will learn to concentrate and focus on one type of activity.