It is not so easy to get a desired gift if it is not indicated to all your loved ones to hear. But it will not be ethical or modest to impose the purchase of this or that thing that delights you. It is necessary to make sure that your loved one has a sincere desire to please you with the purchase of a coveted gift. The following steps will help you to encourage your environment to fork out.

Step 1
Of course, you can't whine and walk behind like a shadow, repeating: "Buy me this, well, buy it, well, please buy it." You are unlikely to achieve the desired effect. In the best case, you will starve a person out. In this case, although the gift will be given to you, the very attitude towards you will deteriorate, and you risk being known as a beggar.
Step 2
You must deserve a gift. To do this, try to do something nice to the person from whom you intend to receive a present in the near future. If the object that can satisfy your needs is the husband, then you should take care of him for a week. Iron your shirts, silently pick up the scattered socks behind him, greet him from work every time with a delicious dinner, do a relaxing massage before bed. In conversations, agree with him, do not argue, give compliments. Don't forget about your appearance as well. Be always beautiful, throw dressing gowns for a while. In general, turn into a real hunter for a man's heart. Most likely, your husband will sense something amiss in the first days, but you answer with a smile that all your efforts are solely for the sake of love for him. The apotheosis of the week of care and love will be his complete obedience, and inadvertently voiced dream in the form of buying a gift for you will not only be heard, but also readily paid for in the coming days.
Step 3
Usually in life, events occur according to the law of a boomerang: in order to receive something, you should give something in return. So what's stopping you from making a loved one happy by buying a gift for him? It can be a nice little thing, for example, a clothing accessory or an invitation card to an entertainment center. When presenting an unexpected, but valuable and useful gift for a loved one, the question will surely be asked: "How can I thank you?" Of course, you should not immediately rush to him with your suggestions with burning eyes. It is worth slyly to hint that the store N has been selling for a long time, pinching the soul, and a very necessary item that, perhaps, is waiting for you, but you are not yet able to afford it. Such an answer will cause pity and understanding that you have sacrificed your dream for the sake of buying a gift for a loved one. And he will definitely buy you what you just do not want.