What Does A Hernia Look Like In A Newborn

What Does A Hernia Look Like In A Newborn
What Does A Hernia Look Like In A Newborn

Almost every young mother in the first days and months of a baby's life has many questions. And quite often these questions relate to an umbilical hernia, which may require urgent consultation with a doctor.

What does a hernia look like in a newborn
What does a hernia look like in a newborn

What is an umbilical hernia? How she looks like?

According to statistics, an umbilical hernia occurs in every fifth baby. As for the defect of the umbilical ring, this happens in almost all newborns.

What is an umbilical hernia? This is a protrusion of internal organs under the skin in the navel area. The reason for this may be the non-closure of the aponeurosis of the umbilical ring.

The hernia feels like a soft ball in the baby's tummy. If the umbilical ring is very wide, and the hernia is large, then intestinal peristalsis is visible. This is very frightening for young parents, and the child does not feel any discomfort.

As a rule, an umbilical hernia does not cause discomfort. The diagnosis is made by the child's pediatrician. In the future, he may refer you to a surgeon for recommendations.

Hernia is one of the most common surgical diseases in newborns. There is a myth that it arises due to the fact that the navel was not properly bandaged in the maternity hospital. In fact, this speaks of the immaturity of the body.

How is an umbilical hernia treated?

If you find an umbilical hernia in a baby, do not immediately panic and worry. Of course, you need to show your child to a doctor as soon as possible. He will conduct an examination, determine the condition of the hernia and prescribe treatment.

It must be remembered that such a hernia, unlike, for example, an inguinal hernia in children, can go away on its own, without surgery. Over time, provided the child develops correctly, the abdominal wall becomes stronger, as a result of which the umbilical ring closes.

From the third week of life, the doctor can prescribe massage and physiotherapy exercises. It would be best to contact a massage therapist who knows how to work with children with this disease. Exercises, which include exercise therapy, are carried out under the supervision of a trainer and only after the hernia has been repositioned.

An action such as putting the baby on the stomach will be very useful. This prevents the hernia from protruding, promotes flatulence and stimulates the child's activity. But it is important to remember that the surface on which you place the baby must be firm.

Another method of treatment is the application of a plaster. This procedure is performed by a surgeon, and only after the umbilical wound heals. Thanks to her, the hernial protrusion is fused, and the plaster keeps it in this position for quite a long time.

If by the age of five no treatment methods have brought positive results, then surgery is performed. Naturally, if the hernia is too large and prone to infringement, or the child is experiencing difficulties because of it, then the operation is possible at an earlier age.
