How To Teach A Cheater A Lesson

How To Teach A Cheater A Lesson
How To Teach A Cheater A Lesson

A man convicted of treason deserves a valuable lesson from a woman devoted to him. Before taking action, you need to choose the right strategy and evaluate all the possible side effects of your revenge.

How to teach a cheater a lesson
How to teach a cheater a lesson

Reasons for treason and methods of punishment

What should be done with a cheater? First of all, analyze why the betrayal happened, maybe there is also your fault? For example, having married, you stopped taking care of yourself, completely dissolved in everyday life, lost your individuality? Or, on the contrary, you were so passionate about work that you forgot about your spouse, his desires and interests? There can be a great variety of reasons for betrayal, and, of course, not all of them will be associated precisely with your mistakes and mistakes.

In any case, the fact of treason is obvious, and the traitor should be severely punished, and how severely you deal with him will depend on the degree of his and your guilt in what happened.

One way to teach a cheater a lesson is to show genuine indifference to him. Remember that you are a self-sufficient free woman, forget about everyday life and work for a while, pamper yourself: go to a beauty salon, buy a subscription to a pool or gym, sign up for any interesting courses, for example, driving, find an exciting hobby.

Your interests should not be focused solely on your husband and his problems. Let him know that you will not arrange a showdown with cymbals, that you are above it. At first, your indifference may please the cheater, because he was expecting a scandal. Then he will start to hurt - is he really so indifferent to you? Most likely, he will even have thoughts that you have a lover. But that's what you need: let him suffer, be jealous, worried!

Under various pretexts or without them, deny the cheater in intimacy, as, indeed, in other pleasures that you kindly gave him before. Accustomed to taking your concern for granted, the traitor must understand that now he will have to cook, wash, iron shirts, etc. for yourself. Remember that you and your feelings have been grossly neglected, so you now have the right to take the harshest measures.

Learn to be independent in everything, show the man that you are doing great with all matters without him. But if you really need male help around the house - moving something heavy or fixing the bathroom faucet, ask your friend or call the master at home. If the traitor previously performed these duties around the house himself, your act will hurt his male pride.

There can be a great variety of options for revenge, the choice of a particular one, of course, is yours. But you should think about the consequences before, for example, having a lover or throwing mud at your spouse in front of his friends and colleagues. It is unlikely that someone else will like to be used by you as an instrument of revenge, and it is not very pleasant to be branded as a brawler who brings personal problems to people, is it? Try to think things over soberly, evaluate and act like a reasonable woman who did not succumb to an outburst of emotions.

Do you need a divorce?

Do not rush to divorce, especially if your family has children. Perhaps your husband will be able to draw the right conclusions and assess the full extent of the moral damage caused to you. If thoughts of suicide come to your mind, immediately discard them, swallowing poison and going under the train because a man cheated on you is very stupid, ridiculous and reckless.

If you still cannot forgive the traitor, and divorce is inevitable, the best revenge will be your happy life, independent of your ex-husband, filled with various interesting events, communication with friends, and professional activities. In addition, there must be a place in your heart for a new - true love!
